3 Answers

  1. In Buddhism, personality is a position of thought that depends on what dharmas consciousness is made up of. Dharmas are polluted (darkened) and pure (not darkened). Dharmas are the structural elements that make up an instant state of mind, just as colored pixels make up an instant frame on a monitor screen. The natural or buddha-mind is made up of pure dharmas only.

    Imagine a large glass of clear water. We'll take a handful of colored gems and pour them into the water. They will make some kind of drawing. If we start mixing it all together, we will see how the pattern changes, like in a kaleidoscope. It is like ordinary consciousness, and colored stones are like contaminated dharmas. And the resulting drawing is a person. This state of mind is called samsara.

    Now imagine that we pour a handful of transparent spherical diamonds into clean water. The water will remain clear. If we start mixing, the water will still be clear. It's like Buddha-consciousness. And diamonds are like pure dharmas. No matter how much we shuffle, we won't get any pattern, and we won't be able to fix the identity. This state of mind is considered unclouded by illusions in Buddhism. The mind in this state is in reality. This state is called nirvana.

  2. You may be surprised, but the concept of personality originated in Christian culture. In Buddhism, there is a concept of “I” – an artificial construct that concentrates painful attachments like “mine” and “not mine”. Buddhism treats individuality in a neutral way, as long as it is not an object of clinging. Some schools believe that even in nirvana, beyond being and non-being, individuality is preserved.

  3. Good afternoon!

    First, you need to decide what a person is and what are its boundaries?

    Since we live in the European philosophical field, it is easiest to use Maslow's pyramid with human needs as a basis.

    So, the basis of Buddhism is the teaching of the Buddha about the “Middle Way”, that is, about the Golden Mean… When the Buddha came out of his parents ' palace, he saw the world around him full of misery and misery. And he thought how can a person avoid such a difference in their existence, how can everyone live more comfortably?

    I hope my answer was useful to you!

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