3 Answers

  1. There is also experimental cognition. It's called science. Real scientists conduct experiments, and if several scientists get the same result when repeating the experiment, then it is considered that the experiment is objective and proves the phenomenon under study. For example, several people throw objects. All objects fall to the ground. With the help of this experiment, it was found that if the object is deprived of its support, it will fall to the ground. And it doesn't depend on who throws the item.

  2. There is no logic or units of measurement in nature, this is purely human fiction. So our mind is a discrete illusion in an analog world. Understanding the world with our imperfect brain will be equivalent to trying to comprehend a fractal picture. We will learn the patterns and formulas, but we will not understand the meaning of it.

  3. First, I will note that you will not know the world from an authoritative source, but you will know the “authoritative source” (the information in it). In this way, we acquire “information about knowledge” rather than knowledge itself, which often becomes our beliefs (often false).

    • Natalia correctly pointed out the third way of understanding the world (above). As a matter of fact, it is the most reliable of those previously mentioned here.
    • But there is also a fourth, our experience (as formed by successful cases of implementing knowledge about the world through their application in life, or by unsuccessful attempts to separate reliable knowledge from unreliable ones). Everything is known by its fruits.
    • There is also a fifth (by comparison and systematization).
    • The sixth is by imitating those who are “good at it.”
    • The seventh is a synthesis from what was previously known (this is often how discoveries are made at the “junction of sciences”).
    • The eighth is “a priori guessing” (a common path in philosophy).

    All methods are good if they lead to a reliable knowledge of the real world, and not to ignorance (thinking that you know when you don't know it as you should know it in order to successfully implement it in life).

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