10 Answers

  1. I don't see any problem. If you understand something, you can explain it to a 5-year-old child. Although children at this age are philosophers themselves – they are on par with the world, and they usually have enough of their own constructions about it.

    The only thing that I will note is that “Nietzsche's philosophy” is a textbook label, it can be explained to the child, but it is not necessary. It is better to explain a particular idea or concept from Nietzsche's work.

    For example, the concept of “will to power”. It can easily be explained through the juxtaposition of Schopenhauer's “will to live.” Imagine a clearing where a blade of grass grows. What is it driven by (if we imagine its impulse to live as a will, like a person)? If we believe that it simply wants to live (grow, eat) – that is, to simply not be disturbed, left alone, then we accept the “will to live”. If we find that in the absence of obstacles, the blade of grass will grow and fill the entire clearing, surviving all those who were weaker, then we are already closer to understanding the “will to power”.

  2. Why would a five-year-old child need to explain Nietzsche's philosophy? Usually, at this age, children are not interested in philosophy, they want to play, run, shout, in general, to learn the world in ways that are more effective than philosophy.

    But if the child really asked you a question about Nietzsche's philosophy for some incredible reason, you can tell him a fairy tale about superman, come up with something fascinating. You can also use visualizations like the ones in our encyclopedia.

  3. Explain to him that when another child takes a toy away from him, he does it not because he is bad, but because this is how he shows his will to power, that is, shows your child that he is bad: weak, stupid, insignificant, capable only of obeying.
    Therefore, he must understand that the true “will to power” is the will to power over oneself. He must learn to distinguish when humility before authority is a necessary condition for a peaceful life together, and when it is humiliation, dishonor, and slavery. He must force himself to defend his dignity always and everywhere, no matter how painful and scary it is.

  4. My granddaughter is now just 5 years old.Yesterday
    she told me about nuclear physics at the academic level, retold the book “General Chemistry” Glinka with all the problems and equations.During the break, she wrote a symphony and called it The Fall of Jerusalem…What the hell is a 5-year-old kid doing with Nietzsche's philosophy? Do you have any other topics for questions?

  5. My answer will be a bit of a joke. But: children at this age are-by nature-selfish. And they often think that they are already super-cool. Nietzsche's philosophy, by and large, is a philosophy of super-egoism and teaching everyone how to live, breaking all the old attitudes. Because I'm super cool. So just with the philosophy of Nietzsche for a six-year-old-no problem. “Push the falling one?” – YES, WITH PLEASURE.

  6. I asked a five-year-old child if he wanted me to tell him about Nietzsche's philosophy. “No, I don't want to.” “What do you want?” “Chewing gum and ice cream.” “And if it's not from yummy treats?” I thought about it . “New puzzle”.

  7. Why Nietzsche?
    My daughter and I talk a lot about religion, about the world, about the reasons for people's actions, i.e. I teach her to reflect. In particular, Nietzsche is neither close nor dear to me, but if the question is how to explain SERIOUS things to children, I will answer-with love and patience. This is enough for the seed to be planted.

  8. A five-year-old child does not need to know it, although it is not even necessary. First, they won't understand more than half of what you try to explain. Secondly, he may not be interested in it at all.

  9. The philosophy of F. Nietzsche is, of course, cool. But what's the point of just reading his works and trying to understand something? Who in the figs gave up your opinion about God, the structure of the world and so on. Just knowing this is not good for you or for society… It's much cooler to try to apply the principles he writes about.

    About heavy loads, for example… Or about the relationship between human rights and obligations. This is well and clearly written in the book “Friedrich Nietzsche in the XXI century”. I advise you! https://livrezonpublisher.com/shop/product/nitshe-v-xxi-veke

  10. If the child is interested, you can always offer him a number of stingy schemes-pictures. Like, ” Man is a bridge from the beast to God.” Such simple (in the wording) things are not difficult to explain to the child. But after a couple of such fragments of Nietzscheanism, a normal child will lose the thread and get distracted. Otherwise, you can start worrying.

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