8 Answers

  1. Oh, oh, oh, how is thought not material?

    Thought consists of material signs.

    Yes, material ones, because any sign even in the brain (consciousness) has a material carrier, moreover, the sign comes to life only in the brain, i.e. in order for the sign to affect someone's consciousness, it must be perceived, i.e. compared with some internal template of this sign, recognized, if you want, only then the sign will begin to perform its function.

    Abstract thinking consists in the ability of our brain (only ours, only humans have higher nervous activity, animals have no consciousness in this sense, they cannot think in signs) to replace real entities with their signs, and to turn the effect of a sign on our consciousness back into the effect of an entity, we perceive the sign, and our consciousness at this moment perceives the entity that this sign encodes, in all its many-sided nature that we think.

    Thus, when a sign is perceived, it leaves a trace in our consciousness and this trace is transformed into a trace of an entity, and as you know, all traces are material, because they are the result of the interaction of two material bodies.

    The process of perceiving the sign and influencing our consciousness was described in detail by the famous Russian philosopher Alexey Losev http://www.imya.pro/article/id/?61

  2. A thought is words or images, so it is made up of sensations synthesized by the brain from past sensory experience. Physics knows nothing about thoughts, so it is impossible to connect it logically with psychology: logic operates only with known properties.

  3. The answer is elementary. If we follow the fundamental law of causality, then the quality of the effect always has the quality of the cause. Absolutely any object has a shape. Any thought is created by the mind on the basis of material imprints of knowledge and experience of human consciousness. Accordingly, the material brain creates only material thoughts in the form of forms. Similarly, we cannot figuratively touch an object in the form of light(the effect) emitted by the lamp (the cause), but the radiance from the lamp itself has a material structure or shape.

  4. Dear colleagues! My answer, I hope, will highlight one or two aspects of the multiparametric concept. 1. As an element of the theory of reflection, “thought” reflects in knowledge a descriptive image of a real natural phenomenon, 2. This image in the practice of human survival has become a matrix in neural control circuits responsible for information gain (during the formation of cybernetics, selection of a useful signal), 3. The form of signal transfer-a label, sign, is not related to the content and can be different, 4. This information becomes knowledge based on the previous, formalized experience, and therefore is inseparable from the system carrier (Professor Dowell's head).

  5. Let's say that matter consists not of atoms, but of even smaller quantities, and physicists have come to the conclusion that everything consists of nothing, so to speak in a simple way, and not to get into the jungle of quarks, bosons, etc….

    Even our thoughts are completely made up of nothing, because it is not even material.

    In general, I think that our world is some kind of virtual simulation, a computer program, an algorithm created by someone and it will be too early for us to even think about getting to its hardware, since a person is mostly still an animal, he needs to eat, drink, reproduce and sleep to his heart's content on a warm bed….

    I hope I answered your question.

    Sincerely, Yura.

  6. Thought does not consist of anything, if only because thinking is a process, not a substance.
    Matter does not consist of atoms, because matter (atoms) is only one of at least 4 types of matter known to physicists.
    Thought has something to do with matter, that thoughts are the processes of information processing by a completely material brain, which consists of atoms, fields and up to a fig of everything

  7. ..- In general, “matter” is energy, which means it is a process. Humans can only observe what corresponds to three-dimensional space-time. The rest is anyone's guess. Therefore, the statement in this question is not correct.

  8. The thought itself is not something material at all, so it does not consist of anything. Thought is a consequence of the work of neurons, which are made up of atoms. It can be compared to a shadow, which is also immaterial and is a consequence of the absence of photons, which are material. Intangible objects are those objects that do not carry information. Such objects have no characteristics, and therefore they can have superluminal speed or be infinite in size

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