11 Answers

  1. Religion says that God created everything out of nothing. Religion can say (and does say) anything. Religion has no logic by definition. It contains only faith and the history of that faith.�

    we have learned that the atom is essentially nothing. This is where you found out? In the church? Any student should know what an atom is. The density of matter in the nucleus of an atom is monstrously large-billions of billions of times greater than the density of water. The electric field strength in an atom is 100,000 times greater than the field strength in the strongest thunderstorm lightning.�

    ➢ Can this be considered a miracle? For uneducated people, everything is a miracle. It is a miracle that you exist (after all, death is all around!). It is a miracle that clouds are made of water and fly across the sky. For scientists, a miracle is just an unsolved problem.

    If the question is asked by a student, they need to sit down for textbooks. But it may turn out that the problem is at school. My regrets, and may the Internet help him. However, if the author of the question is a believer, it is not recommended to use illogical statements in the scientific sections of TQ (Yandex/q). In science, her Majesty LOGIC reigns — a beautiful creation, a product of the evolution of homo sapiens, faithfully serving humanity for more than 25 centuries.

  2. Yes, for an atheist, this is a miracle. An atheist believes in a miracle, a person who believes in a Higher Mind does not consider it a miracle, because he believes that the laws of the Universe (Logos) are arranged by God.

  3. The fact is that Nothing can be said that the Biblical designation of the word NOTHING, Nothing is in the generally accepted sense of the word the absence of anything at all, that is, the absence of even such an immaterial object as SPACE, about the atom, it is not necessary to talk at all, the atom is matter, and this can be considered a miracle, we do not know how and

  4. “There are only two ways to live your life. The first is that miracles don't exist. The second one feels like everything is full of miracles.”


    We can explain anything. What we are not able to repeat based on our explanations is still a miracle, and our explanations, in this case, are just ordinary stupidity.

  5. This is not possible but must be considered a law of physics, I will allow myself a quote from a famous person, magic is also a science, but only not yet understood by people, and absolutely everything is based on the laws of energy, just as everything consists of energy

  6. No, you can't. As well as a thunderstorm, flying a sammolet, or sailing a hundred-ton corrable on the water.

    There is an explanation for all this. But when you see, for example, a foccus egg in a bottle, at first it will be a miracle for you – a phenomenon that cannot be explained by reason.

    Hence the understanding that any miracle that can be reproduced by yourself or explained how it works-ceases to be a miracle. And stannovitsya human technollogy)

  7. How many things do religions tell us? How can you create out of nothing? How can you build a house if you don't have the material you can make it out of?

  8. The rules that underlie the universe and allow us to qualitatively and quantitatively characterize the dynamics of the transition of matter from one state to another have long been known.

    Matter does not disappear anywhere and is not arbitrarily taken from nowhere (Mikhailo Lomonosov).

    Matter is eternal in the time factor.

    It is possible to transfer matter from one state to another with the acquisition of quantitative characteristics that allow changing its quality. When the ice is heated, the water turns into a liquid and then passes into a vapor (gaseous state), while the water remains water.

    The atom is indivisible and is a minimal form of the material world, which allows you to see, feel, feel and hear all the objects of the material world.

    Scientists are trying to find a particle – a protokirpich of the universe, conditionally calling it the Hicks Bason, but I think they are looking for the wrong place.

    There are field worlds in the “pyramid” of the universe that have high energies that allow us to change the time characteristics and, with the transition to a low-vibration level, manifest in our material world.

    This is called the miracle of the formation of bodies from “nothing”.

  9. The fact is that Nothing can be said that the Biblical designation of the word NOTHING, Nothing is in the generally accepted sense of the word the absence of anything at all, that is, the absence of even such an immaterial object as SPACE, about the atom, it is not necessary to talk at all, the atom is matter, and this can be considered a miracle, we do not know how and

    Like this.

  10. First of all, religion doesn't say that. Religion is a mechanism for teaching and strengthening Faith. In 2, there are many religions. Which one do you have in mind? Atom is nothing…. I agree…it's a word that means just something. The essence of the atom is how we know it, i.e. it is the essence of a person and an atom together.
    What is a Miracle? Do fish fall from neba? Walking on water? This is all for the dumb…sorry. Good luck

  11. But the atom is not nothing — it contains a lot of interesting things.�

    P.S. How many questions would you not have to ask if you knew the simplest school physics course!

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