44 Answers

  1. If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans… What do you need to tell God to make him cry?

    I express my opinion about religion (or about God). That's when I sometimes read people's opinions about different religions, from the heading ” I think that…”- I really want to cry. Especially when it's all under the Dunning-Kruger effect is raised.

    Even though I'm not a god.

  2. One smart person here in the comments said “Just tell Him the whole truth about yourself.” This is indeed the case. The truth about people is worth mourning. That's why the Lord went to the cross.

  3. In the steppe, covered with perishable dust
    A man was sitting and crying.
    And the Creator of the Universe was walking by.
    Stopping, he said:
    “I am a friend of the lowly and the poor,
    I save all the poor,
    I know a lot of cherished words.
    I am your God. I can do anything.
    I am saddened by your sad appearance,
    What misfortune are you oppressed by?”
    And the man said, ” I am a Russian.”
    And God wept with him.

    (c) Nikolai Zinoviev

  4. She would tell me how I was able to escape from criminals and rapists who were planning to kill me, and I was able to escape with the help of my artistry. While these scoundrels were talking about how best to do this dirty work, I prayed to the Mother of God and Jesus Christ in my heart: “Lord, save me, save me.

  5. I think He's crying without our help.

    He created people for paradise, and they rejected Him and confidently and cheerfully walk to hell.

    Eh… here's the system: if your response doesn't contain enough characters, it won't be skipped. Who, in general, thought of such a thing?

  6. Judging by the results each time, God needs to be told about his plans to make him cry. After all, according to his plans, famine and plague, wars and destruction, United Russia, McDonald's and coronavirus turned out?

  7. God(the Universal mind) has no emotions, and therefore, can not help but laugh, not cry, for him everything that happens is natural, for him there are no concepts of good and evil.

  8. For me to cry, I need to see people become kinder

    Then I'll cry with happiness for a few hours

    Surprise me, people

    make this world perfect

    everything is in your hands!

    Then I'll cry so much that I'll get dehydrated

    and not the fact that I will survive, go out on the street, and see all this

  9. He, if he were, cries all the time because we don't do ANYTHING to become people, start Living and at least Change something. Yes, when we set goals, which means that the attitude is no longer correct and that we will not achieve them-he laughs and helps us NOT to ACHIEVE them.

  10. God needs to tell us about the modern missionaries who must bear the hardships and hardships together with those to whom they have decided to devote their lives and faith! It is not enough to say that they often live in another country, so they come with a sense of halo over their head, for full board! They have to be translated into the Aboriginal language and delivered to hard-to-reach settlements! Even with a sense of humor, God would not be amused!

  11. God needs to tell us about the missionaries of today, who must share with their charges the hardships and hardships, the sorrows and troubles, and only then the sympathies and joys! And in no case do not allow yourself to be driven around in limousines, fed, accept payment of taxes for yourself , use paid housing – in general, do not be a vicar of God, because before God everyone is equal!

  12. I think if you tell him how HIS name is “covered up”, how many ungrateful acts were performed under the cover of the holy name (starting with the “crusades”, etc.).Sadly

  13. The difference in the perception of phenomena in the world around us forms in everyone their own idea of God. My personal-This is the universal mind that does not have flesh, but has a Bank where there is everything and always, any phenomenon, even every movement of any organism, substance(for example, somewhere figuratively speaking in some of the cells there is a volcanic eruption entailing the death of Pompeii, or 4 o'clock in the morning of 1941 or events taking place in 2100, this is how we perceive the future, and somewhere now the February revolution, somewhere on May 9, 1945, and immediately all over the world. Therefore, there are clairvoyants, predictors who have a fairly high degree of access to both the “past” and the”future”. And all because they have freed their subconscious mind from being blocked by mental junk, and they perceive any phenomena in society or nature differently. By the way, there are trainings on this topic and this is not a bluff, just someone does not know them, someone does not dare to master it, because in this case the person will know when and how the path of the mortal body on earth will end, and this scares some.

  14. Maybe you shouldn't take it so literally. When they say that if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans, they mean that life is not predictable and not everything is subject to the desire of a person. And God here appears as a kind of Higher Power, which a person cannot control. But he can try to become interesting to her.

    Crying Force is not interesting, otherwise what kind of Force is it? It just is, it needs movement. If a person needs to suffer or cry in order to move, well, he will suffer, that's his choice. The force will wait until the person is paid off and moves on. Only movement is interesting to the Force.

  15. The story of his love for the man who went to heaven. Maybe it will touch him. I'm not quite sure, though. And, maybe, still make God laugh.. To the point of tears.

    I'm sure you can do it…

  16. Why is this necessary? This phrase (about making people laugh) was invented by people, there is nothing like it in the Bible (if you mean the Christian God). But there is a story about how Jesus Christ spoke about his people and the city of Jerusalem (the Gospel of Luke 19 chapter). The people were exulting with joy at this moment, but They knew what was waiting for these people…. And He felt sorry for them to the point of tears. The fact is that everyone is in danger of eternal destruction, but people behave as if we are spectators whom God should try to impress. The fact that God is now allowing man to treat Him as He pleases is a mercy from God. He is waiting for a person to repent, wanting to save him. But God's mercy is not infinite. God may be crying for many people right now, but one day people will cry. In the meantime, there is still a chance to make peace with God.

  17. Blind people feel the elephant….Or the people in Plato's cave…You can't even combine what everyone feels from their side..But you are engaged in “heated” disputes about the truth, each bound by chains that are not even their own ideas about the truth…

  18. The creator=God works from within us – through our desires, through our thoughts-and from the outside – through all the circumstances around us. He completely determines our state-both internal and external-leaving only the point that realizes that the Creator = God is absolutely in everything, and even at this point, from which we know that it is He who determines absolutely all our inner thoughts, desires, and movements.

    And from the outside: whatever happens to the society around us, to the family, to the group, to work, to study, to fall, to rise – all this is also determined by Him. When He reveals Himself, everything that happens in us: in our thoughts, in our desires, in our reactions-everything is set and determined by Him, and everything is in order to return to Him, to merge with Him, because “there is no place free from Him.” This means that there is nothing that goes beyond His power – that is, nothing that is not determined by Him, not planned in advance and descends to us-but the difference is in the person's perception (“behind” or “in front”) in how the all-encompassing power of the Creator manifests itself. In the meantime, it seems to the creation that, on the contrary, it controls the Creator, it can cause all sorts of changes in the Creator.That is, if we perform actions, then we supposedly do it. In fact, we are not doing this: the Creator has determined this in us beforehand, and we are rushing towards Him. But where are we really? We are not in all of this. That is, we are fully programmed, the Creator acts on us and automatically causes all our movements. We automatically ask Him for help, we can swear at the Creator, believe in Him or not believe in Him. He performs all the “operations” on us, and as a result, we come to the disclosure and realization of the full picture of the universe.All these processes are created by the Creator, everything is verified: everything is causal . But where is the participation of the creation itself, does it exist in something? It seems to a person that some thoughts, actions, and decisions do not come from the Creator, but from himself. That is, a person still has confidence in his independence, he cannot yet come to the absolute unity, uniqueness, universality of the Creator. It seems to him that he still has some freedom of will in action, in thought, in actions, in decisions.Such a state when it seems that there is still something of one's own, but a person understands that it is not really there: it just seems so to him in his kelim (he feels that there is, but does not understand that there is not) – this feeling is called the state of hiding the Creator. Man understands that the Creator is hidden.”But do not imagine that in this state we are removed from the Supreme Government (that is, you are not under the full authority of the Creator's government).

  19. It seems to me that Jesus and his disciples not only drank wine, but also used opium, so he kept smiling. And the story with the resurrection of Lazarus, well, purely drug-addicted. They buried the man, well, as they buried him, they threw branches at him, and three days later they remembered about him. The branches were raked off, Jesus said get up and go, he apparently slept off, got away from the overdose – got up and went. So they were all really excited about it.

  20. Well, what else can you do to frighten me?She survived in the 90s, collected bottles, hired herself as a nanny,housekeeper, cultivated other people's gardens, never having her own,baked pies for sale.She taught children with copper money.They survived despite all the efforts of the authorities.Only the Lord has helped and will help.Now the children are adults and it's easier, but it's unlikely that there will be grandchildren,and I'm not really sorry,I'm afraid there won't be enough time to help them,and the children, with their salary, you can't call it a salary, won't be able to do it themselves.Life in the provinces is brutal .We are not in a ditch,thank God, a roof over our heads, there is food and clothing, and even a vacation of 10 days a year, on a budget,but not everyone has this either.I will survive any government, and any basic law, just out of spite.I repeat: one grandfather led the revolution, the other was dispossessed,and I am their descendant,I have nothing to do.Just one question,and who should I thank for my unborn grandchildren,for children without a future,for honest poverty,not yet bitter poverty? Life is beautiful because it is not predictable.But history repeats itself, for some reason I remember the uprising led by teacher Antonov, and then it becomes scary.But we'll still survive.

  21. Sometimes I don't think he's crying at all. Just laughs at everyone and loud enough. After all, he was bored , so he created a person for the sake of the fan )

    But, as they say,� something went wrong.

  22. Tell us how many people were killed, tortured, burned, crucified in the name of Christ. How many exploded and were destroyed in the name of Allah. About the Fascist motto ” God is with us!”. About suicides in sects.

  23. Show him your face, show him your life and the lives of your contemporaries. Tell Him about our life and our desires, about how we are destroying the world He created and crucified His Son, moreover, we continue to crucify Him every day, claiming to be saved. My God, where is your flood on this tribe and on me as well?

  24. In the steppe covered with mortal dust, a man sat and cried.And the Creator of the universe walked by, stopping ,he said: “I am a friend of the lowly and poor,I protect all the poor, I know many words of the covenant, I am your God,I can do anything.I am saddened by your sad appearance,by what misfortune you are oppressed. And the man said:”I'm Russian.”And God wept with him…

  25. The Lord is in us, in our thoughts… sometimes we do and solve everything that we have planned and everything is executed as best as possible, but…… There comes a time or period when you can't do what you want to do, and that's when you put yourself in the hands of the Lord.

  26. If you tell us that the Perun fleet is already in the Solar System and is preparing to land, then not only any god with his apologists will cry, but also everyone who hates the Slavs!

  27. We need to tell God about the commitment to one religion. We alone are right, only we will be saved, all the rest are heretics, deluded and will burn in hell. The truth is only with us, all join us, bring us your money, give us apartments for a good cause and listen only to our leader, give up your thoughts – arbitrariness leads to hell.

  28. Once I decided to understand what Love is, what is Good, to find Myself in myself, to become first of all a Likeness, so I called on the Lover to become my Observer – to observe with me my thoughts, motives, intentions, feelings and states for compliance with their Divine. He did not cry, because He Understood and Forgave, helped me with His presence in me, but I often felt horror, was shocked by how far I was even from my own, seemingly self-critical understanding of myself… and in fact I used to consider myself kind and even seemed to be so on occasion, but at the same time I was often blind, self-serving, waiting for reciprocation, blaming…

    It was especially hard when I was overwhelmed by anger, passion, and at the same time clearly realized that this was not Love… a struggle inside to the point of pain in my body, to the point of sweat. It's easier now, but it took many years… And now it can be hard, but to repeat the past-no way!!!

  29. And why do you think that if boh was, he would not be purple on your plans and in general on the fact that you are trying to tell him something? For example, how often do you listen to what the ants living in your suburban area are trying to tell you? And they think you're a god, by the way!

  30. About what a pigsty I turned my soul into with my pride, as well as careless intemperate lazy and selfish life, and the worst thing is that it suits me, and I don't want to change

  31. “And the man said: I'm Russian!
    And God wept with him”
    – so said one of the authors in the Poetory. In general, there you can find answers to a lot of strange questions))

  32. Many offer to tell about sad events in life, about bad behavior of people in the name of God….. He is GOD, he already sees and knows it. If your plans make him laugh, plan more so that the tears of laughter will flow.

  33. If we are parts of God, then God cries when one of us cries, that is, he constantly cries, and even laughs through his tears. If he's a separate person, I don't know anything about him. If it does not exist, then there is no trial.

  34. They usually cry with happiness when they discover the spiritual essence of the universe.. These are practices and prayers to help you.. There's nothing else to cry about in this world..

  35. I think that you need to tell God that you are happy, loved, and love yourself, that your home is a “full cup”, that you have good children, a beautiful wife, and that you do not need anything. But the most important thing is to say that you believe in him as the supreme intelligence of the universe and you do not need anything from him except a blessing. Then He, God, will also be happy that at least one person on our sinful Earth is truly happy.

  36. In my opinion ,it is necessary to tell God about your successes if they suddenly appear, especially about material, sinful earthly joys.It will upset Him.After all, God loves our suffering and tears, not laughter

  37. Answer: I don't know. Assumption: since we are all one creator, we can be made to cry by inaction, i.e. complete disregard for the established rules.

  38. I'm not sure if God can laugh or cry. He's got enough to do as it is. Not to express emotions. You need to work.

    But if He can do it, then His reasons are the same as the rest of us. Because we are created in His image and likeness.

  39. We need to talk about what actually comes out of God's plans. Somehow with vseblagostyu it turns out very not very. In general, the plans are somehow bad. For example, the creators of this site have set a minimum number of response characters for some reason. I would have limited myself to one line at the top, but I had to pour some water… Good intentions…

  40. “God went to the cross to show people what path they can choose and how they can live differently than they do.”

    So the path is a cross – in the sense of death-and there is no alternative? Jesus showed us how to die. But how to live – He Himself did not even manage to live as He taught. Executed.

    And to LIVE like this will not work in our time.


    I don't know if God weeps over this evidence.

  41. If he doesn't cry because of what is happening on earth ,then he won't cry because of anything you say !!! So don't even try …people are doing things in the world that you won't even see in a bad dream .

  42. The Lord God Almighty has excellent qualities and it is characteristic of him to grieve and grieve, this is what is written in his word :Genesis 6: 5 And the LORD saw that the wickedness of men was great on the earth, and that all the thoughts and thoughts of their hearts were evil at all times;and the Lord repented that he had made man on the earth, and was grieved in his heart.
    Psalm 78: 40 How often they rebelled against him in the wilderness,
    They made him sad in an uninhabited area!⁠
    ⁠Again and again they tested God
    And they hurt the Holy One of Israel.”Crying is the property of a person, women and children, men cry but rarely, so I think that the Lord does not cry, he is sad.
    Don't upset him, he is like a good father who thinks about us and cares, and very soon he will change the world for the better.

  43. You don't have to tell me anything, Heavenly Father,but we are Russians ,his grandchildren, and AK knows everything.as long as they believe in the Jewish one everything will be as it is we are considered to be Goyim and slaves

  44. Just about the life of one ordinary person with all the hardships, sorrows, joys and victories. This was quite enough for God to not only cry, but to go to the cross to show people what path they can choose and how they can live differently from what they live.

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