23 Answers

  1. I think hatred is a consequence of delusions. This is a consequence of the egocentric attitude of the mind. When a person tries to fix some constantly existing Self. I want it this way, I don't want it this way. As a result, there is a discrepancy with the external world, because everything in a huge world cannot happen as a small consciousness wants at the moment. Because of this discrepancy, there is a painful reaction in the form of anger.

    If you realize the Self as a process, understand that the Self is changing along with the whole world, then there will be no reason for hatred. I want it now, but I won't want it in two minutes. What's the point, then, of clinging to it and getting angry at the lack of it? Everyone's consciousness is free. There are no things that a person cannot give up. That is, a person is able to neutralize any external influence on consciousness. From this perspective, the various demons and deities in religions are nothing more than metaphors for a self-centered position. When Jesus talks to Satan or Buddha talks to Mara, this is essentially the inner work of consciousness to neutralize egocentrism, to bring consciousness to wholeness, when there are no conflicting parts in consciousness, areas that produce filters of egocentric perception.

  2. An evil mind is a damaged, diseased mind, very dangerous.

    Evil is an error of behavior or thinking.

    Good is anything that reduces the amount of evil.

    The path of evil is the path of self-destruction.

  3. talk about good and evil-Lao Tzu. that says it all.

    if a pleasant person touches you, it is pleasant to you, but not pleasant , it is not pleasant. change your attitude and your perception will change. the evil is in our limiting beliefs.

  4. There is an interesting idea-Einstein's suggestion that evil is the absence of good. That is, there is no evil, just as there is no darkness.

    Darkness is the absence of light.

    Based on this theory, an evil act is like a disease that can be invisible and chronically habitual, as in 12 chairs a shy thief stole small things.

    Or it can be an attack of a serious illness like the flu, as evil but invisible in life maniacs kill dozens of people .

    Or maybe a catastrophic evil-the covid epidemic, which has already killed hundreds of thousands of people in the world, or how the Hitlers unleash wars with mass deaths.

    And the disease is rather a consequence of lack of health. We can say that Evil is from a clouded mind from a lack of knowledge.

  5. undoubtedly, evil is the other side of being as an opponent of truth and its goals and aspirations. As a kind of barrier that we must outgrow and overcome. As an assortment of choices for free will. How to structure an infinite space

  6. Evil is a mistake/defect – behavior, thinking, worldview, development.

    Evil leads to all-round degradation, both physical and mental.

    Benefit/benefit from evil – illusory, apparent, short-sighted, opportunistic, toxic, destructive….

  7. In general, of course, the lack of knowledge also leads to a misunderstanding of the fact that any evil is primarily a deliberate acceleration of time, a violation of the ideal course of events, which requires a lot of intellectual and emotional work of a person to cope with his selfish impulses.
    Evil is rushing the course of history, and humanity is unconsciously striving to merge with the non-existence of the Absolute, and not understanding this can lead to the fact that it will still merge with it, and “without breathing enough” of Being.
    As we can see, there is no alter ego of the gods here. There is an ideal course of events, there is a rapid one, in which the human consciousness does not keep up with the course of history. And something tells me that while the Absolute/God will not receive a voluntary, conscious, all-encompassing human union with him, and the whole story will repeat itself until the lesson is learned.

  8. An evil mind is a sick, degenerate mind-this has been proven by science since ancient times.

    A brief scientific and practical essence of evil is a mistake in behavior or thinking, a decision made-it is clear that this does not arise from a great mind, high culture, good education and upbringing.

    The path of Evil – the path of degradation and self-destruction – this path is not useful to the villain, people, society, country, civilization.

    Medicine says that evil thoughts and intentions destroy a person from the inside out.

    Good is anything that reduces the amount of evil.

  9. I think that evil is It according to Freud, a lowly component of the human soul, of course, gaining wisdom through experiences, we have more good, shame or conscience. This is development, and I see the meaning of human life in it. Everyone runs at his own distance, overcoming the beast in himself, giving birth to the divine in himself.

  10. Neither philosophy nor psychology has ever been able to answer this question. It is spiritual, and psychology studies the soul.

    There is an answer to this question in the Bible: God is light and there is no darkness in him. He had distanced himself from the darkness. An angel appeared among the “entourage”, who said that he could create no worse than God. His first name was Lucifer. This is pride and for this I was thrown to the ground. Here he is, from the moment of Adam and Eve, creating what we see around us. He's always looking for people to come over to his side. Some people do become clouded-minded, and they are not stupid. God intervenes only when there is already a threat of self-destruction of civilization.

  11. Evil is the result of a lack of understanding on the part of society in relation to the individual, when he wanted to be understood, perceived and approved, but ran into a” wall ” of absolute misunderstanding ;

  12. In fact, of course, evil comes from a lack of knowledge about the world, about the moral law of the world. A truly intelligent person will never choose the path of evil, the path of destroying himself, society, nature, or the world. The only bad thing is that often even the smartest people suffer from the evil done by others.

  13. Evil is a consequence of human egocentrism… Egocentrism is pride . Pride is a property of mental confusion.. Confusion of mind usually due to lack of knowledge .. Lack of knowledge from not wanting to learn… Not the desire to learn is a property and manifestation of egocentrism, the circle closes and only God can break it….

  14. People do bad things not out of a lack of knowledge, but out of a lack of empathy (I can't explain the reason for this lack). When the moral and / or material benefits of an act are taken into account, but the harm to the victim is not (“I'm making fun of that loser, gee – gee-gee”). This is if we talk about evil in a vacuum, and not about situations when a person is also threatened by something bad, and certain bad actions are the only or easiest way to avoid it (thieves do not become from a good life. At least in most cases). If the victims of these acts will be even worse off than the person himself, then the two reasons are mixed.

    1. There is a lot of dark spirit on the planet, but God is fighting it.2 People turned out: such as day – light and such as morning and evening-semi-dark. Well, thoughts are born in the mind. And I described the minds. so that's what you want. Therefore, there is a lot of evil. But things will change soon
  15. And what is evil in general? Evil can also be good. There is a lesser evil, so that a greater one does not happen. Evil is so subjective. Evil can be for the sake of profit, when you simply put your own interests above the interests of others, is this evil? These are manifestations of selfishness, when you act for the good, only for your own good. With theft, the same story, to please yourself. Lies to the rescue and so on. Murder is evil, but murder is more often a means than an end. The same genocide in the concentration camps pursued scientific goals (I'm not excusing anyone, don't think about it). Even Marl, who made a huge contribution to science, although he is called the angel of death and considered the embodiment of evil. So what is evil? Crime for crime's sake? People like Chikatilo are considered insane, you can say that he was evil, of course, but judging by his own words and judgments, he was rather ignorant, stupid and offended by life.

  16. Evil is, of course, a completely human concept, characteristic of relations in society. God or gods act according to other principles, but we can define their actions in relation to ourselves as “evil” or “good”. The mind that created the universe, rather, acts according to the “laws of the universe.” The devil is an opponent of God, and as a result of his actions, in relation to humanity, he commits evil, because he hates man, since God has placed man above the angels, giving him his particle. In Buddhism, the devil is just a powerful being who rules hell, but not evil. And so, only a person determines in relation to himself what is “evil” or”good”. There are no such concepts in nature.

  17. I think that evil or evil thoughts or actions appear in some individuals because of envy. Not being able to achieve something and envy someone who is a step higher than you, it can hurt your self-esteem, and make you jealous, and this will push you to meanness. Evil is also a manifestation of selfishness, when someone wants to get something that they have no right to and tries to “sit”, that is, to be close and control the situation, and at a convenient moment harm the subscriber. In general, evil came from heaven. The angel created by the Lord began to envy the one who created him. He took the opportunity and slandered the Lord, after which he became known as the Devil, and then went openly against the Laws of the lord and received another name Satan, that is, the enemy. And he was a beautiful cherub, beautiful and intelligent and assigned to people to overshadow, that is, to give thoughts and help make decisions, so he took advantage of the situation.

  18. Incomplete knowledge is a potential evil. Incomplete knowledge is a necessary initial condition for the possibility of empirical development. For an existential and absolute god, creating a limited evolutionary creation is akin to “freeing himself from the shackles” of absoluteness. The presence of any disidentification with absoluteness is a conditional evil, but in fact an intentional deviation with a delay in time and space.

  19. There is no evil or good in this predatory universe this is the only way to describe what our eyes are looking at. There are forces that just interact with each other. They don't know if they're good or bad. they are there and this is not going anywhere.
    For example, lightning killed a person to say that it is bad or evil is stupid.

  20. Evil, as well as good, are concepts invented by people to regulate the life of human society. We call good what we think has a positive impact on life, and evil-what has destructive and negative consequences. Each person has his own criteria for good and evil. An old woman who intensively feeds stray dogs in our area thinks that she is doing good, but people who are trying to be bitten by dogs from a bred pack have a different point of view. Nature knows nothing about good or evil deeds and desires, its creatures live by the laws of simple survival. Such an existence is not suitable for developed human communities for many reasons. I think my answer is short and clear. Good and evil are like the Criminal Code, just terms designed to make our lives better. Gods, ephemerality of existence, immortal soul and other verbiage have nothing to do with it.

  21. Evil is actions whose consequences are bad for others or the person himself. It is not enough to know that you are wrong, but you also need the will to restrain your vices, and the wisdom to understand how to do it. The cause of evil lies in the very nature of man, in the inherent qualities of arrogance and vanity.

  22. Disputes on this topic have not stopped for several thousand years. Who has not tried to solve the problem of theodicy (the justification of God, despite the existence of evil in the world), starting with Epicurus and ending with L. Tolstoy.

    The problem itself lies in the presence of logical contradictions in this very theodicy. If�we accept any three statements out of four:

    God is all-powerful, God is all-good, God exists, evil exists – then we will have to throw out the rest. And this, in turn, makes a serious breach in the entire religious teaching. If evil exists, then either God's power is limited, or God's motives are not so perfect, or God simply does not exist.

    Personally, I like the idea that God, being the Absolute, bears full responsibility for his creation. After all, if we are created in His image and likeness, then we have passed on his dark side. The presence of the dark side does not make its bearer a source of evil. Only the loss of control over it – allows you to generate this very evil. God � – controls. A person is just learning to do this.

    Such a theodicy does not seem contradictory to me.

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