2 Answers

  1. Good, but not easy! All utility services are you-the utility service. Clean the toilet or order a service, walkways, fence, gate. The most important thing is the house. The main problem is him. Over time, the roof becomes dilapidated or starts to leak, or the wall gets wet. Everything must be done either by yourself or with money. If you have a lot of money , no problem. If you do everything with your hands, then you need to be able to do a lot of things.

    The second problem is to wash up after any load. Especially in the cold season. After all, you can't just heat a bathhouse every day – you won't get enough firewood! A shower, if possible, and that's it. This is if it is also heated…

    The third problem is the cold season. The house is cold and you need to keep warm somehow. If you have electricity and are well paid , there is no problem. I can tell from the experience of one friend who lives in winter and summer on electric heating – during the winter as much is spent as half of our dachas consume in the whole summer. The way out is to heat it with coal. Relatively inexpensive, but there is a problem with the removal of ash. Some negotiate and take ash from coal to unpaved roads instead of crushed stone. Strengthen them. But these are high upfront costs for equipping a coal-fired furnace with a good chimney. Plus pipes around the house and water in them. Heating with gas is not possible everywhere. My cousin in the village had coal-fired heating until recently, so I could see the problems.

    The fourth problem is living in a private house. You can sit idle there only when you come to visit. All the rest of the time: house, bath, vegetable garden, work in a private household. Otherwise, in 5-7 years, the house will bend without supervision, the roof will leak, the fence will fall, the toilet will fill up, and so on. So it's not particularly good to live there. Especially for the elderly and single people. Do not think that a private house is sitting on the sofa, picked up a beer, turned on the TV and hugged a girl! No! This is a complete worry and hassle.

    When people get older, they tend to move into an apartment, but if the children don't live with you, it's easier that way.

  2. Live well in the country!

    There are no neighbors on the top, bottom and sides, no one smokes in the entrance. Fresh air, perhaps your own farm and environmentally friendly food, clean water.

    Of the minuses, except for the convenience on the street, and even then everything has been adjusted recently, septic tanks for every taste and budget.

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