4 Answers

  1. The best refutation of Solipsism is not scholastic reasoning, but practice and experience. In practice, we become convinced of the truth or falsity of certain theories, beliefs, and ideas. Practice proves that our feelings reflect objective reality. That there is a real world outside of our senses. And our sensations are the product of the impact of the objective external world on our senses.

  2. It doesn't exist. Solipsism refers to fundamentally unprovable and irrefutable theories (such as multiple universe theory or creationism). A person can never go beyond the limits of his consciousness, and to refute the idea of solipsism, you need to do just that.

  3. Radical nature of the question (“yes” or “no”?) when the subject of the question is uncertain (there are quite a lot of” solipsisms”), it forces you to schematize the answer, omitting the details. So it's like this: yes there is!�

    Solipsism as a consciously chosen, consistent and manifest position of the subject (and only in this case it is possible to relate to solipsism somehow-to divide, doubt, refute, analyze) one way or another, it presupposes the existence of a different subject, in the face of which only the manifestation of this solipsistic position is possible. A subject that is both different from the solipsist and no less conscious than he is, i.e., an autonomous (self-sufficient) and external subject.

    The specific interpretation of this, so to speak, counter-solipsistic subject will differ in different cases. But even in the radical version of absolute solipsism, in which any skepticism or refutation of it (for example, the present) will be interpreted as an expression of the activity of the Solipsistic consciousness itself, it (this consciousness) will necessarily and consistently have to keep the distinction between its “pro” and “contra” states in order not to fall into a pathological split personality. Having disavowed the external world and the external subject, such a consciousness will be forced to admit it “inside itself”.

    Thus, solipsism is refuted by the fact of a performative contradiction between the explicit content of one's statement: “There is nothing (no one) but me” and the implicit appeal of this negation to what (who) is being denied.

    Something like that… :)))

  4. It doesn't exist. But, more importantly, there is no definitive proof of Solipsism. This is a sad double-edged sword, leading only to empty demagoguery. Nothing useful was built on this concept.

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