7 Answers

  1. Yes, of course there is a meaning to life. Oddly enough, the main task of our entire life is to fill life with meaning, and separate from bad thoughts.

    Some people say that the meaning of life is to find its meaning, but this is wrong. Meaning is revealed throughout life precisely through our actions and deeds.

  2. There is. Here is the biblical answer:

    God is our Creator. The Bible says, “He [God] created us, and we did not create ourselves” (Psalm 100:3; Revelation 4:11).

    God has a purpose for all his creatures, including us (Isaiah 45: 18).

    He set the goal for the first people: “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and possess it. Reign over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every creeping thing” (Genesis 1: 28).

    God also created us with “spiritual needs,” including the need to find meaning in life (Matthew 5:3). And he wants that need fulfilled (Psalm 145: 16).

    We meet our spiritual needs by developing a friendship with God. Although the idea of becoming a friend of God may seem unrealistic to some, the Bible encourages us: “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you” (James 4:8; 2:23).

    To become God's friend, we must live up to what he has in mind for us. Ecclesiastes 12: 13 says, “Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is all for man” (Synodal Translation).

    In the future, God's purpose for us will be fully realized when he removes all suffering and grants eternal life to his friends who serve him faithfully (Psalm 37: 10, 11).

    What do you think about it?

  3. Yes, there is a meaning to life. Life is full of meaning. It also makes sense. And if a person has grown up to the question of the meaning of life, then he clearly grew up from childhood, when this question did not bother him at all. Now he needs a Goal. High goal. Just living now is not enough. And he should set this goal for himself. By yourself. For myself.

  4. Meaning refers to the imaginary or real purpose of everything: things, words, concepts, actions, etc., determined by you personally or others, individually or collectively, by human society in general or by any community in particular.

    Life is the totality of all phenomena occurring in all known and unknown biological organisms and their various combinations.

    The meaning of life, its purpose, is there!

    Learn, learn, define and redefine it as you see fit, yourself in the game of the life around you and playing in you in all its manifestations!

    The meaning of life will deprive you of everything-your habitual perception, all desires, the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of which brings suffering or dissatisfaction. It will leave only itself, but this will be enough for you!

  5. The meaning of life is in inspiration (= the best kind of mood)

    First: live so that every Today is better than Yesterday.

    And “so” is how?

    if there is a group of people who say: “my enthusiasm is the main thing”,

    and each of this group tries to improve the mood of everyone…

    as a result, everyone pulls the “Blanket” not on themselves, but on their own,

    therefore, everyone believes everyone and everyone-for everyone.

    If there are a hundred of them , they will be able to do almost everything,

    if there are a thousand, then there will not be a task (including personal ones) that they could not solve.

    This is a different life, a life in a different civilization that almost none of us have ever been to.

    And life becomes MEANINGFUL.

    you can read the entire text by clicking on the link in my profile

  6. Make the world around you better, cleaner, kinder . How do you like this meaning?

    What can you do about it? What works best?

    How to become stronger, more confident , and more purposeful ?

    When we start to change inside ourselves for the better, then everything changes outside, takes on more vivid colors.

    All people want to be happy, although the understanding of this is different for everyone. It depends on what exactly is missing for each of us to feel happy.

    Think about it…


    Dear child, we welcome you again and hope that the advice we have already given you was in your favor and that you felt the value of it immediately. Your thoughts are not yours. This is a set of programs and installations that have emerged as a result of the impact on your reality of numerous contracts that you signed many centuries ago and which distorted many of your parameters, which are loaded into you with each new rebirth. In fact, each new incarnation becomes worse than the previous one. And so it is in every cell of your experience and dimension. If you look at the trend, it turns out that you are not growing, but rather getting into even bigger networks and labyrinths of illusions. The mind game just rolls over and you practically do not even sleep, you are under the influence of illusions. This is similar to the effect of drugs on the psyche. The only difference is that when the effect of drugs passes, a person returns to his original state, and under the influence of illusions, the Soul embodied in the body is always there, without the ability to feel its truth and know the picture of this world in the form in which it really is.

    Initially, the goal of the game was simple — Souls who decided to test themselves could come down here and play several times, then simply leave the Matrix and go on their main tasks to further expand and develop the Universe. Someone went down earlier, someone went down later. Civilizations are different and the understanding of the universe is different, so in the worlds of duality, there are more aware incarnates and less aware ones. Of course, among other things, the Father provided a test for pride and other negative qualities of the material worlds. And many incarnates failed to pass these lessons, sinking lower and lower in the levels of pride. Pride, like other downloadable parameters, is just parameters. They can be either increased or decreased. True, this is given to a very small number of incarnates. Only the game itself has full access. And since it is a self-developing and self-learning mechanism and organism, in fact, it began to create new loopholes for the impossibility of awakening Souls embodied in bodies. The result was a maze with no exit. Now many of you are writing and reading information about the Matrix and how to get out of it. At this stage, it is almost impossible, but it is possible to clear your mind and raise many parameters of the game for yourself and for others-relatives and family. Family — these are representatives of your civilization, who also, like you, came down here and just like you, can not leave, leave the game.

    At this stage, there is no question of leaving the game as quickly as possible. The question is how to raise all your parameters in the shortest and most painless way to the maximum possible for entering and leaving your worlds. We've already given you a few techniques to make it easier to move forward and understand. Today we want to give an appeal-prayer to the Father for the purification of consciousness and the return of the true picture of the world to everyone who decides to speed up their progress through the levels of this maze.

    There are a huge number of contracts that close the mind. It's like a snowball — once there was only one contract, the true one, and then it just started to get overgrown with various sub-contracts, including those prohibiting and canceling the termination of false contracts. This topic is very important, because only with pure consciousness can each incarnate begin to hear the Father and move along his true path, which no one can block or deceive the Soul in the wrong direction.

    It's like a dream in a dream, a dream in a thousand dreams. Imagine that. That you wake up in a dream, and then again and again, each time you wake up from a dream. A multi-level dream that is almost impossible to realize and finally wake up. Even if someone wakes up in several levels at once, the Matrix returns them to almost the same level, although it cancels a couple of levels of sleep, but this does not help at all and does not bring the Soul closer to self-awareness. The soul continues to dream further, but this time it is more cunning and more protected from liberation. Some of the Souls that are so strong that they can move through the levels of sleep themselves are put on special account in the game. The Matrix will make a huge effort to block out the possibility of breaking out of illusions in all possible ways. Any methods are used, up to the elimination of the body in which the Soul is located, which has begun to wake up. Realities collapse and it turns out that one reality, which disappeared and in which the Soul began to wake up, does not play a special role. After all, the other cells did not show themselves in any way, and the faster the reality that threatens the game disappears, the better it will be for the game itself.

    It would have been very sad if Father hadn't intervened from time to time and made his own adjustments to the core of the game. This happens infrequently, but regularly. And then the Father again gives his children the time and opportunity to prove to themselves and him that Souls are worthy of moving further along the path of creation and expansion of the universe.

    If you, the Soul, are interested in this topic, you can try to start zeroing out false contracts that close your divine consciousness in order to wake up and see the true picture of this and its adjacent worlds. Just remember, the one who sees everything is sad, because of his understanding and awareness. There will be no turning back. But if you are brave and hear the call of your Soul and your true journey, say –

    Father, I call upon all those who were present at the signing of my true and first contract before entering the Matrix and these worlds. I call to witness all those who swore an oath to the Light to help me during my stay here. I call on all those who willingly or unwittingly caused the deterioration of the parameters of all my qualities and did not inform me about it, in order to remove me from the game. I call all the Light Army and Mother of God to witness. I call to witness the Keepers of all my contracts and other documents and seals that prevent me from waking up and realizing my truth and place in this world. I call upon your Proofreaders, Father, and ask them to scan all existing contracts that relate to my first contract, the true contract. I ask you to cancel all false contracts that violate my rights under space laws and prevent me from seeing the essence of the first contract and fulfilling it in full. I ask you, Father, to let go and send Light and Love to all those who are under the protection of false contracts that close my consciousness and distort my worldview. I send to your judgment, Father, all those who participated in the deception and held back my path with illusions and multi-level sleep. I ask you, Father, to send them all an awareness of their mistakes and deeds. I ask you, Father, to help me understand my true path in a harmonious way, to see the true picture of these worlds, to clear my mind of lies and sleep. Amen.

    Read this three times a day for six days. Then count three times for three days and read again for six days. Wait for changes in your thoughts and understanding, wait for your inclusion in the information flows of the planet. Wait for hints and insights. Expect beautiful streams of Love from the Father and his bright helpers, Angels and Curators, the Mother of God.

    Read for yourself and your family, read for the entire human Race. Read for the whole universe, because you are all different and you are all children of the Father.

    with love

    Received on 25.02.2019.


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