6 Answers

  1. My opinion is that the absolute truth exists and it is claimed by the ancient sages. And this truth is inside every person. In order to know this truth, a person comes to this world. Whether many people achieve results, of course not, but it is necessary to strive for this. “The truth is hidden outside the writings In signs and words can not convey the law, Turn to the heart inside and back To comprehend yourself to become a Buddha.” Bodhidharma. With respect.

  2. Yes, it exists. In every century there have been sages who have known the absolute truth , but who are nevertheless able to pass on only relative truths to others. No one born of a mortal woman of our race can transmit the full and final truth from outside, for each must find this ultimate knowledge in himself. Since it is impossible to find two absolutely identical people with the same mind in the world, everyone should find the highest enlightenment within themselves, relying only on their own abilities, and not on any human light. Even the greatest living Adept can reveal the Universal Truth to us only to the extent that our minds can perceive it, and no more.

  3. “Is” – is not subject to time. And it (Being) is not seen in time. It has no logical approaches, and it is impossible to deny or affirm Being . It Is There. This is the absolute truth.

  4. The true information is, for example, that you have read this part of my answer;)

    In general, Anastasia is right. Write down your criteria for absolute truth and let's think about it.

  5. “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). So the Bible says).

    And here we come to the conclusion that either the truth, like God, exists, or it (the truth), like God, does not exist. It may be there, but we cannot know it. Well, or it doesn't exist by definition).

    Here is the unanswered answer. Here everyone will choose for themselves: whether there is truth or not. Nothing else is given.

  6. An ancient philosophical question, ANY answer to which guarantees disadvantages from ANY audience.

    Yes or No as an answer will mean that the answer itself claims the status of absolute truth.

    Actually, the philosophical approach, which consists in asking what exactly the questioner understands by truth, or “let's first decide which of the existing definitions of truth we will consider” is also perceived negatively, they say, again these philosophers evade and do not give a direct clear answer.

    Another philosophical answer requires some preparation: absolute truth IS (i.e., it has a being and, in fact, is identical with it in the absolute sense), but IT DOES NOT EXIST (i.e., absolute truth is not given in our existence, cannot be formulated, transmitted and understood in this way).

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16 Answers

  1. Any absolute, including absolute truth, can exist in models and projections of our mind, in scientific theory.

    In practice, we can only denote the vector of motion, the absolute in reality is always conditional and relative.

  2. The answer is very simple.

    Truth is the correspondence of the description to the subject.

    Therefore, any description can be as close as possible to the object, but it can't be one.

    In addition, there are many variables that change over time. The description of a phenomenon with a variable will no longer be true after a short time.

    Therefore, absolute truth as a complete knowledge of reality cannot exist.

  3. Yes, the absolute truth exists, and it is accessible to man, otherwise no judgments would be possible at all. Here, some say that they have access to relative truth. But how can they know that? They had to compare this relative truth with the absolute truth, compare the two judgments. Anyone who says that our judgments do not correspond to reality should have promised to compare judgments and reality, that is, reality should be available to them in addition to judgments. Etc.

  4. The truth is more than absolute, it is unambiguous and the ultimate instance. The question is not correct. The concept of absolute loses its meaning against the background of the concept of TRUTH. The absolute is the peak of understanding perfection, and TRUTH is perfection itself.

  5. The answer to this question will be either positive or negative, depending on the worldview of the subject who formulates it. Someone will say that this is obvious, and someone will say that this can not be. After all, this or that picture of the world is created in consciousness, being a conceptual (subjective) reality. Accordingly, it includes certain contexts (scientific, ideological, thematic, etc.). It makes absolutely no sense to prove the truth of certain postulates by comparing them with each other, if they are obtained in a particular philosophical tradition, or are determined by different research methodologies. Whose truth will be more true-materialists or idealists, physicists or biologists, esotericists or religious preachers? It is clear that such comparisons are incorrect.
    Absolute truth, being a conceptual construct, is a certain idea of the state and qualitative filling with meanings of the logical and methodological reflection of reality (its various types and forms). If it is absolute, it should reflect the universals of Being and the general laws of human thinking. But is this possible, because consciousness (both individual and social) is constantly evolving, gaining new meanings and overestimating the past. Just like the surrounding reality itself (the external world, the universe) is subject to constant changes.
    The pursuit of absolute truth is like a journey to the horizon – as you approach it, it always recedes and remains ultimately unattainable.

    For the realization of absolute truth, the corresponding conceptual space is also necessary – a certain absolute reference system (theoretical, ideological and ideological). But can such a thing be found or created in the human mind? Definitely not, because finite consciousness is not proportional to absoluteness, as a property of Being itself in its entirety. All cognitive systems are finite and relative. Accordingly, the intellectual products (thought forms) that are produced in them are relative in nature.
    Of course, there may be objections here, saying that there are some truths that are unshakable and can be considered absolute. For example, the planet Earth has a spherical shape. To deny such statements seems silly, it would be a manifestation of ignorance.
    But let's take a closer look at this situation. This statement is initially limited to the LIFETIME of the planet itself. Therefore, it is relative in nature. After all, before the Earth was not, and later it will not be. Like all cosmic bodies, it will go through all phases of development, completing its own history with degradation( destruction), that is, loss of integrity. Then the mentioned statement will simply lose its meaning. The knowing subject itself will also disappear, for it (along with all its truths), alas, is not eternal.

  6. The problem with truth is the following.�

    There is a reality. And there is our understanding of reality. We describe our understanding in words. Words are limited to categories and meanings that we can understand.�

    Regardless of a person's worldview, it is quite obvious that the universe infinitely exceeds the capacity of our intellect. Scientists have a lot more questions than answers. And these are just the questions they were able to formulate. But the more you know, the more questions…�

    The result is that absolute truth can exist, but it is limited to our brains, because we express it in words.�

    Therefore, the Bible says that truth is a spiritual category that is known by the higher parts of the soul. Higher and more subtle than intelligence. It is also said that God's Words are the truth. They don't always fit in our minds, but they do carry bits of higher reality, i.e., truth.�

    In the Russian language, there is a beautiful play on words-truth and truth. We can say that our ideas about the truth can be true or false. But when viewed from different angles, you can have different truths that logically contradict each other.

  7. Auguste Comte answered this question: “Everything is relative, and only this is absolute.” The only problem is that some truths are relative to human life and dignity, so if you refute them, you can stop being human.

  8. Yes, of course there is. Regardless of the theory of probability. You probably know that in your heart. Absolute truth. Just one way and no other. Will we be able to grasp this Truth? I can only approximate the probability of this event. 1-3%, no more.

  9. Truth is a philosophical term that is constructed from a logical assumption based on the concept of Absolute.

    The truth is absolutely there, …

    but I would not say that it “exists”, this is not a paradox, it also follows such a criterion of Truth as “the impossibility of knowing it”.

    There is another feature that connects the very concept of Truth with the position-the source code of the questioner, about its existence.

  10. There is an objective reality.

    The concept of truth is too vague and subjective.

    A person looks at a traffic light and sees 3 colors there, for him this is the truth. In fact, there are no colors, there is a reflection or emission of light waves of different lengths, a stream of photons hitting the retina. This is an objective reality. But the brain has already processed signals from the fiber draws color. It is not a fact that the images in the brain of different people coincide. Thus, the truth in the brain is different for everyone.

  11. I understand that we are talking about an ever-present and ubiquitous pattern. In mathematics, this is called the mathematical expectation of such a stable connection, in our case, of everything with everything, everyone with every event, phenomenon, form… An example of such a pattern is the law of universal gravitation. The universality of this law is disputed, both in form and scope. And again: the truth, without a path leading to it, is a lie. There is no explanation of the mechanism of gravity itself, a connecting element is needed, the gravitational agent, which is usually not found, does not differ.

    Is there a mathematical expectation? Obviously: as expected, so exists. Moreover, mathematicians and physicists can honestly indicate where and when this MO exists (of course, give or take). It is hoped that philosophers whose working tool is generalization can easily indicate where to expect the mathematical expectation of all MOS, if, finally, they learn to generalize correctly (and consistently).

    As a self-styled philosopher, I can say that such a truth is system materiality: it highlights where to look for the agents of gravity, the very mechanism of “gravity”: the periphery of the system, participating in the universal connectivity of everything, determines the continuation or change in the behavior of the system as a whole; it suggests where the fallacy of any, even fashionable, concept lies…

    The knowledge of the truth, however, does not stop, because the truth requires a technology of application, otherwise it is a dogma that can only be prayed for. The discovery of new “gravitation” agents, which will turn out to be material systems made up of even less distinguishable systems, is unstoppable.

  12. Remember, when asked by Pilate what is truth, Bulgakov's Christ answers that the truth is that the procurator's head hurts so much that he dreams of a cup of poison. Very tolerant. I'll put it more bluntly. The truth is that it's time for humanity to learn how to clean up its guano, and like babies, it still shits under itself, not at all sad that gradually their small home turns into a latrine somewhere at the BAM station. What truths, people, are you interested in if you have a bad shit?

  13. Of course it exists. It is proved by one-two, formal logic. We start from the opposite, with the statement “There are no absolute truths”. If this statement is true, we must ask whether it is absolute or relative) As you can see, we have come to a contradiction. So the absolute truth does exist.

  14. Everything is extremely simple. Truth as a concept should not exist at all, since this concept is metaphysical. This concept should include absolutely everything, even what we fundamentally cannot know. Therefore, when we talk about absolute truth, we inevitably touch on the realm of the fundamentally unknowable as a thing that we all know about, since truth, a priori, must be understood from and to.�

    Reality is given to us through the senses, and then with the help of the categories of the mind it is sorted into understandable forms and objects, this is experience. Our experience will never be qualitatively equal to reality, because we are not able to know this world down to the smallest particles. And in this state of affairs, it is impossible to talk about any absolute truth.

  15. It depends on your own philosophical assumptions – what you consider to be the absolute truth, what criteria you define for truth, whether you believe in the world of ideas, God, or objective reality, and so on. In the modern discourse of postpositivism and postmodernism, the existence of absolute truth is denied.

  16. It depends on what they mean by it. If we are talking about human relations and its side effects, then more and more often lately I have become convinced that there can be no truth here and the coin has two sides. Of course, conditionally, in fact, there are a lot of points of view on the same question, and it is unclear where the truth is here. There is a possibility that in its own way all the options may be true, in the eyes of the speaker, for sure.

    But as for the natural sciences, it is obvious that yes. There is truth here.

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