One Answer

  1. Philosophy in the Age of Enlightenment:
    The period falls on the XVIII century (many speak of the second half of the XVIII century). Education is actively developing in countries such as England, France, Germany and Russia.

    Main idea:
    “All people are naturally equal and have the same (natural) rights”
    John Locke referred to such rights: the right to equality, freedom, property and the right to their protection.

    * The ideas were based on a belief in the reach of truth. That is, if you teach everyone to do the right thing, then everyone will do the right thing. Therefore, education is actively developing.
    •The mind was an exceptional tool of cognition
    * Sensory experience is a priority (continuation of the Aristotelian tradition)
    •Reason cannot exist without logic
    * Unlimited possibilities of reason
    •Cultivation of scientific reason
    •Popularization of science and philosophy

    Questions of Education:
    •How to raise a citizen who consciously serves society, based on his own, and not imposed on him from above, motives?
    •How will science solve economic, political, and social problems?
    •What are the tasks of the authorities?
    •How does culture affect a person?
    •Where does the culture come from?
    •Why is the culture different?
    •How do cultures co-exist?
    •How do the state and culture fit together?
    These are just sample questions!!!

    Representatives and examples of works that you can read to understand the time:
    * Descartes (XVIII century) “Work on Music”
    •Montesquieu's “Persian Letters”
    •Voltaire “Philosophical Letters”, “A Treatise on Metaphysics”, “Philosophical novels”
    * Diderot “The Nephew of Rameau”, “Jacques the Fatalist”,”The Nun”
    * Rousseau “On the social Contract or the Principle of Political Law”
    * Marquis de Sade “120 days of Sodom”, “Philosophy in the boudoir
    • * Schiller ” Letters on the Aesthetic Education of man”

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