2 Answers

  1. In Buddhism, there is no emphasis on working with energies, astral and other subtle bodies. Buddhism in general is about something else. Although there are tantric practices in Vajrayana, they also do not focus much on the chakras, and the chakra system may differ from practice to practice. So coming back to your question about the functionality of anahata, it all depends on the paradigm in which this element is considered. If we take the “classical” (far from the oldest, but the most widespread today) seven-chakra system, then anahata is the heart center, the receptacle of the individual soul (consciousness is located in ajna and superconsciousness in sahasrara). It is depicted as a green lotus with twelve petals. The bija mantra (the seed sound that vibrates the chakra) is YAM (YAM). Corresponds to� element air. It is responsible for feelings, relationships, love, acceptance, and compassion… It is blocked by arrogance, sadness, pride, and grief.
    I'm simplifying it on purpose and answering very briefly, because if you describe it in all its details, you will have to publish a whole monograph.

  2. The question is straight for me, Anahata is “my” chakra, its symbol is the lotus (or star, according to some versions), indicated in green, the smell is sandalwood, the elements are earth, air, the sense organ is skin, touch.

    This is not only one of the most important chakras, but also the most interesting, in my opinion. Since it is located exactly in the middle, it ensures the unity of spirit and mind (the other three upper and lower chakras).

    In general, it is responsible for love. Love both earthly, human, and Divine (for all that exists). It is believed that it is formed during puberty (from the age of 13), if a person follows the right path, tries to be clean, honest and not look for self-interest in love-the chakra is worked out and developed, and subsequently a person receives protection and the opportunity to be happy in love. Anahata is unconditional love, without suffering, pain, dependence, profit, desire to fuck, get. It professes acceptance of all that is in a person, such love rejects the ego, allows you to find happiness in the desire to give and compassion.

    It is also responsible for intuition and internal choice. It is said to be directly related to healing and extrasensory perception. A healthy, open heart chakra indicates an inner balance, an adequate perception of yourself, without excesses, that is, both without narcissism and without self-pity. It implies inner gentleness and peace along with the presence of strength based on self-confidence and faith in selfless feeling.

    People with a closed, dirty anahata are angry, irritable, envious, attached to fetishes and pleasures, deceitful, live in suffering, constantly feel sorry for themselves, dependent, use others to achieve their own goals, love to slander, are selfish and often not successful, either in love or in self-realization.

    Here's another beautiful piccha for you.�

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