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When I was a concert musician, I once had to give a concert together with my band in a specialized boarding school for deafblind children. We were very very worried – it was a little scary and it was completely unclear how such a concert could take place. The inviting party was completely calm, assuring us that nothing unusual would have to be done: the concert is like a concert.
And so it turned out. The only difference between the auditorium in this boarding school and the standard one was that long metal rods were stretched from the stage to the hall, which passed by each chair. Children perceived music as a vibration, putting their hands on these very rods.
They reacted like an ordinary audience – perhaps even more sensitively-although the sound was quite complex jazz. The only difference was that there was no applause. When they were supposed to clap, the children raised their hands and made rotational movements with their palms.
From this amazing concert, I know that music can be practically any more or less ordered vibration-even if we do not perceive it with our ears. This is confirmed by the most ancient musical instruments. For example, a harp is a metal tongue attached to a frame that can make a single rattling sound. Its volume and timbre can be adjusted by holding it to your lips: the mouth and throat serve as resonators. At this point, the tool's capabilities are completely exhausted. The oldest samples are almost two and a half thousand years old. At the same time, the harp is still used today – even plays are written for it, where it is a soloist accompanied by a symphony orchestra.
An even more ancient instrument: an animal skin stretched over a hoop – drum. In relict African villages, drum bands still exist: all the villagers gather together, each with his own drum, and arrange whole concerts in which the most complex polyrhythmic structures are played. There are rhythms and timbres for weddings, funerals, declarations of war and peace. And this is a clear illustration of the original, most ancient purpose of music: accompanying rituals and all the most important events in human life.
The same functions were carried out by other ancient instruments: the hollowed-out horn of an animal or the hollow stalk of a plant, which became the prototype of a whistle,pipe and pipe. And of course, the most ancient and most perfect musical instrument is the human voice. Undoubtedly, the author of the first musical composition was the first ancient mother, who, trying to calm the crying first ancient child, hummed, hummed, hummed his first lullaby. It was, and still is, the most important music for humanity.
Music can be called the whole WORLD created by almighty God! Music is all that thunders, knocks, makes noise, is silent. Listen to the sound of your car and you will hear a song there, unusual but musical, with a beat and notes. Throw a spoon and fork on the floor together and they will also sing their own notes. Music is the Sound of the universe. It's not for nothing that many people say you have God's gift, to compose music. So I will say that without God's intervention, I would not have written a single song. Only God gives me knowledge of the world of music. He dictates tunes to me sometimes at night. Therefore, I believe that music is a connection with the universe. And through it -this music – we all communicate. Sometimes after writing a song and posting it on the Internet, I hear from people how could you know exactly my soul and write this song, I answer that I wrote a song about my fate. So my song connects us with this person's destinies, which means that with the universe, which as everyone knows is infinite, without end or end…Isn't that music?
Music is the expression of your emotions through something.
Music is an art and entertainment medium.
Music – the consonance of words and sounds.
Music – history in notes.
Music is the cry of the soul.
Music is You.
Music is an irrational way of knowing the Truth, it is the mystical beginning of Being. It is impossible to express in words the feelings that a person feels when listening to music. You can talk long and hard about Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata to a person who has never heard it, but they still won't understand anything until they hear it themselves. It is not without reason that Art, as well as Science, Religion and Philosophy, is an independent road to Truth. If Science and Philosophy are dominated by rational methods of cognition, then Religion and Art are dominated by irrational, sensuous methods.
Music is the art closest to world harmony. Something like that ! A musician is a person who can hear the harmony of the higher realms. in other words, it is a connection with God.
Music is a combination of sounds that affects your sense of beauty and evokes an emotional response in you. Not necessarily a pleasant response, not necessarily a masterpiece. But if a drop affects your sense of beauty and evokes emotions in you-why not call it music?
Music is a systematically constructed rhythmic and melodic sequence of sounds. Can speech be called music? No, you can't: your speech doesn't have a clear rhythm or musical reference. As soon as speech becomes systematically melodically and rhythmically organized, it becomes music.
What young people are listening to now is definitely not music. These are just mechanical rhythmic sounds. Music is sounds that create emotions. Of course, in this sense, you can also call the sounds generated by nature-a waterfall, surf, forest… So, probably, here you can add to the definition – sounds created by man (do not misunderstand, not THOSE sounds)
Music can be called conditionally any vibration. The word is also a vibration, and music is just a successful combination of vibrations that is perceived by ear in harmony with your internal vibrations, so you consider it music, and not just a cacophony of sounds
The craving for music appeared in a person a very long time ago, it all started, of course, with the voice. The first musical instruments were created to imitate the human voice, so they are directly related to the emotional state of a person (after all, with the help of voice, we create intonations that convey our mood). For this reason, music can be called anything that creates a certain mood and has at least a very, very distant resemblance to the voice.