One Answer

  1. The concept of the four pillars of godlessness is introduced in Vedic literature, such as Srimad – Bhagavatam 12 canto 3 chapter 20 text. This description can be taken literally or allegorically, as food for thought. This text says: “In Treta yuga (the silver age), each of the legs of religion is gradually reduced by a quarter under the influence of the four legs of godlessness – lies (antra), violence (himsa), dissatisfaction (asantoshi) and quarrels (vigraha).

    The cornerstone of sin is Adharma (godlessness). We are familiar with him and his descendants in the Vedic literature, and in particular in Srimad-Bhagavatam (4.8.2-5) and Kalki Purana (1. 14 – 27).

    Adharma is sin personified. His name translates to unbelief, godlessness. He appeared at the dawn of creation from the back of Brahma, the secondary creator of the universe. Adharma had a black body. He married his sister Mrisha (she has many names Mrisha, Mitya, Antra and all these names are translated-False, Untrue). Their marriage marked the beginning of a sexual relationship between brother and sister. This becomes possible when Godlessness reigns in society. Mrisha was very beautiful and had eyes like a cat's. Mrisha became the first pillar of godlessness. They had a son Dambha (Pride, Pride, Hypocrisy) and a daughter Maya (Deception; Illusion; Something that doesn't exist). Dambha was angry and energetic. He became the second pillar of godlessness and his second name is Dissatisfaction (Asantosha).

    Pride and Deceit gave birth to a son, Greed (Lobha), and a daughter, Cunning (Nikriti). Greed and Cunning gave birth to a son named Anger (Krodha) and a daughter known as Envy, Malice, Violence (Himsa). Himsa became the third pillar of godlessness. In the womb of Violence, Anger begot a son known as Strife, Quarrel, and Enmity (Kali) and a daughter known as Backbiting, Harsh Speech, and Evil Speech (Durukti). Kali has become the fourth pillar of godlessness and one of its names is Vigraha (Quarrel, That which involves). Discord had a very black face, like black ointment mixed with oil. Strife's belly is like a raven's, his face is scary to look at, and he has a red tongue that seems to be full of greed. Discord likes to gamble, drink wine, relax in the company of harlots, and socialize with gold merchants. Kali also has offspring…

    Sometimes Adharma is depicted as a black bull, and Dharma (Religiosity) as a white bull. Dharma has four legs-truthfulness, charity, asceticism, and purity (or generosity). Discord is the main demon that cuts off the legs of Religiosity. Truthfulness disappears under the influence of lies, charity – under the influence of violence, asceticism-under the influence of dissatisfaction, and purity-under the influence of quarrels. Lies are fed – by all sorts of lies, gambling and money fraud. Violence – by killing animals and causing suffering in general. Dissatisfaction – with the use of alcoholic beverages and intoxicating substances, that is, all kinds of drugs. Quarrel – evil and rude speech, as well as adultery, that is, not legal sexual relations.

    We see that the relationship between sin and godlessness is directly proportional. We see that for the successful implementation of the 1917 revolution in the Russian Empire and the subsequent management of the people, the main levers were: 1) The prohibition of religious rites; 2) The abolition of prohibition introduced by Nicholas II and the popularization of alcohol; 3) The increase in slaughterhouses; 4) Gambling. The Bolsheviks did not fight the gambling business, and it continued to exist in an illegal position. And in the United States, the main sources of income during prohibition in 1920-1933 for criminal organizations, including the American mafia, were: alcohol, drugs and prostitution. Widespread disregard for prohibition has led to rampant corruption among politicians and the police. The next step was to popularize the casino. Also, the next “business” is the meat industry. All over the world, prices for dairy products are artificially low, so that the maintenance of cows is not profitable without slaughterhouses. So, in fact, there is no dairy industry, but there is a meat and dairy industry. With the low price of milk, small farmers do not survive in the market, and only large companies and corporations are kept, which are not interested in competitors and in the health of customers as well. It is only in the interests of corporations to milk more money from their businesses, first from cows and then from their corpses…

    This picture will change in due course. Where there is light, there is no place for darkness. When people's minds change, so does the world…

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