5 Answers

  1. Alien civilizations. Strange, but still. Personally, I was influenced by the series “Doctor Who”, which I watched from an early age. Until I was ten years old, I believed in an alien with two hearts, traveling through time and space. When I got older, I developed an interest in studying physics, astrophysics, and popular science theories about space.

  2. I believe that consciousness, thinking, subjectivity — in general, the thing that makes up my (and everyone else's) view of the world — is not of a physical nature. Or physical (perhaps there is no need to introduce dualism), but absolutely incomprehensible at the current level of science, and fundamentally different from the matter that we can now touch. Of course, I understand that consciousness is associated with well-defined biochemical and physical processes in the brain, but I believe (and I want to believe!) that the fact of consciousness is not limited to these processes and is not limited to them, and also (but in general the area of pure fantasy) that consciousness can exist without this biochemical basis.

    And, accordingly, I believe, although it is difficult to call it a belief in anything concrete, that our current level of world science, no matter how high and effective it is compared to the past, is still completely inadequate to reality, and that ahead of us, if we are lucky, there will be many more revolutions in understanding everything that exists and ourselves.

    And sometimes you want to believe in something higher and meaningful. But, unfortunately, it is rarely possible.

  3. I believe in the existence of NON-material things: God, the spiritual world, the eternity of the soul and life after death, but to prove this is NOT material, by definition, it is not possible to use material methods. But a believer does not need this, because he does not just believe, but knows that it is there, he feels it inside himself. He has had this spiritual experience, and it cannot be compared to any other scientific evidence to the contrary.

  4. Life has shown that there is some kind of fate or fate. A series of events that are perfectly dependent on each other. Fatalism. This is unprovable, but some things in life can not be called anything other than fate.

  5. That consciousness is not “inside” the head/person, but on the contrary, somehow outside, and the person is just inside. And all the attempts of human thought to describe it, including the idea of the Logos, the “cosmic mind” or the world spirit, are only approximations to something for which we have no language of description, precisely because we are inside. Just like a worm can't describe an apple when it's inside it.

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