One Answer

  1. To write simply about theomism and the theory of potentiality, to put it bluntly, is rather difficult. No matter what we write about it, it will all ultimately come from the same book, called “What is It?”.Theomism. The possibility of truth“, which personally reminded me of the early works of Viktor Pelevin: “Generation P”, “Chapaev and the Void”, and especially “Record of the search for wind” from the collection ” DPP (nn)”.

    This unusual book (“Theomism…”), which is interesting, is called a literary work, but it is more like a philosophical opus than a classic short story or novella, where there are characters and a certain more or less meaningful plot, and it is absolutely impossible to understand how seriously the author himself takes his philosophy. On the one hand, it seems that he is extremely, sometimes even unnecessarily serious, and on the other hand, the book repeatedly makes it clear that all this philosophy, and the whole theomism in general, is nothing more than irony and banter, and the banter is not so much over the reader as over philosophy itself, which is what this very theomism calls itself. I say this in part because theomism has at least three definitions, but there are others…

    About the theory of potentiality and the essence of theomism as a philosophy (theomism calls itself the philosophy of ontological minimalism) I will not say a word, otherwise I will have to retell the whole book, but I will note this: the book, interestingly, mentions Pelevin, his story “Chapaev and the Void”, and in a very funny context: the author of the book logically, from the position of his theory and philosophy, explains Pelevin's words about his own story. In addition, on the official website of theomism, in the “Questions and Answers” section ( there is also a mention of Pelevin. Pelevin is also mentioned in the VK-public of theomism… The style of the book, of course, is clearly not Pelevin, but there are moments that make you think seriously about this. One of these points, for example, is the fact that in its VK-public theomism calls itself philosophical Zen, and in the book itself there is a chapter devoted to Zen Buddhism, and at the same time serious and ironic. In short, either someone deliberately cosplays Pelevin, or Viktor Olegovich decided to try himself in a new genre and quality, and under a different name… If Air defense really decided to shake up the old ways and do something fundamentally new, then he chose a very interesting name for himself: Theo Om. Theo (from the Greek. Teoc) is God, and Om is the Hindu designation for the Absolute. The absolute God is nothing more, nothing less.

    It is possible, of course, that Pelevin, perhaps he. As the theomists say: everything is possible, everything is the will of the Possible. But still unlikely, unlikely… although…

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