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To understand what he meant by the phrase “Human, too human”, it is necessary to understand the texts, and to plunge into the atmosphere in which F. Nietzsche was spinning in the era.�
At that time, he was in close friendship with R. Wagner (one of the main romantics of the era), and together they worshipped the ideas of A. Schopenhauer's nihilism.
In short, the human is too much, the human is an overabundance of romanticism in a person, his tendency to inflate his self to universal proportions, drunken mysticism, belief in the otherworldly and installation on the mystery of this world – this is all human, too human.
(as I understand it ) nichshe said that a person is a bridge between a super-person and an animal and while a person is petty and quarrelsome, he will remain a pathetic animal, roughly speaking, a person for nichshe is a semi-animal and only by killing the animal inside ourselves will we pass to a super-person
To explain this phrase, search engines are not enough: you also need to understand the texts that will appear on the page. Expand your horizons and train your skills to understand smart texts, without waiting for someone to come and chew everything in detail.
Nietzsche's phrase “Human, too human” (the title of the book) refers to the assessment of what people call divine institutions, the highest morality – that is, what is considered not human, but a kind of higher law. Nietzsche actually says-no, it's all too human under the guise of”higher”. Sapienti sat.