2 Answers

  1. I met Bishop Berkeley for this idea. “God sleeps and sees us in dreams.” A beautiful interpretation of being. Paradoxically, it clarifies a lot.

    In general, Berkeley was quite an original. They went to his sermons, just like they go to rock concerts now.

  2. This is one of the doctrines of true Hinduism! Above all , beyond the infinite absolute, there is Brahman. Brahman is everything – it is absolute being, it is also endowed with a certain consciousness. And you know, when you contain all of nature in yourself, you become lonely or something… And since he also carries imperfect natures within him, he cannot bear this loneliness and tries to help himself by meditation. This meditation is his sleep, the products of his mental activity. When a Brahmana breathes out, history goes on, the world develops, etc., when he breathes in, everything goes backwards.

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