8 Answers

  1. What happens if we create a country for homosexuals and send them all there?

    You can't send it by force for ethical reasons..Well, voluntarily – they will not want to, boring, monotonous, probably fatal, because most likely in such a confined space they will die out. From diseases and from the natural destruction of this population, because they are not viable without the rest of the world..It's like a virus-it needs an organism to feed it..

  2. In the world, there is a tendency for constant integration, interpenetration, mixing of cultures and people. This is a process of globalization that seeks to make the world one, at least in the economic and cultural sense. Also in any developed society there is a tendency to increase the number of various social groups, that is, the process of fragmentation of society — a society where every person can find a company like that, but it can easily interact with others, even unpleasant to him by the group, much better than the traditional society, where every citizen trying to grow in accordance with certain patterns of traditions (the form of the family, social roles, attitudes to politics, cultural preference, religion, etc.). Attempt to get away from a fragmented society to a single artificial(as the author of the question suggests to do with gays) will lead to its degradation and lagging behind natural societies.

    There is a process of social evolution that makes people happy gradually. Attempts to get quick happiness with a simple “brilliant” solution will lead to the opposite effect.

  3. And I have an even cooler idea! And let's proclaim the superiority of the Aryans (hetero) and gather all the Jews (homo) in a separate country!

    Wait a minute, though…

    Hmm, I think… I've seen it somewhere before…

    Who remembers how it ended?

  4. Such a country already exists The Vatican is called. But they have a very complex migration policy. And, yes, being gay is not their main criterion , it's a bit more confusing. Google it….

  5. They �there �not �go �, �TK �they �interesting �themselves �yourself �only �in the “normal” �society. They will be bored there. Interest �to �him �lost �and �plus �to � all �die as �plague �or �lepers.

  6. Oh, and so it's interesting!�

    Every year, at the Selection Ceremony, boys and girls who are already 16 years old will have to choose the orientation that will be associated with their entire subsequent life. An orientation aptitude test that can identify them in a particular settlement.�

    But there will be “Bi”, and “their essence will not fit into this framework, they” will not be able to control. Naturally, our society will not be satisfied with this, and bisexuals will be persecuted. Only those bisexuals who manage to hide their identity will survive.

    After the orientation aptitude test, the main thing is not to get to asexuals, you need a special settlement for them, you can also expel those who could not show their sexuality there. They will live in terrible conditions and suffer many humiliations.

    I imagine drama in this world:

    Mom, I'm bisexual!

  7. The problem is that all homosexuals are born into heterosexual “normal” families.
    Think about it, someone will have to send their children there.

  8. Ahahah, but there is migration! Necessarily someone “hetero” will want to move there for various reasons, as well as “homo” – to leave.
    Do you propose creating a ghetto? This is inhumane, sir!

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