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After death, there is a half-life of soft cells in the body. The so-called drying out.
Development of internal flora, before depletion of fluid reserves, and self-decay. When the coffin rots, depending on the humidity of the climate and soil, the body will be absorbed by micro organisms, worms, and other representatives of small fauna. Poisons released during decomposition are mixed with soil salts, most often washed away by water, or crystallized with solid rocks (Growths), but sometimes (and possibly even more often) poison the soil. Ammonia gas releases, stratification of soil or clay rocks.
The remaining bones, being in a relatively aggressive environment, will also sooner or later decompose into their constituent proteins. As you may know, the shelf life of a burial is 20 years, if it is not taken care of, another person will be buried in this place according to the norms. During excavations, bones are found in 40% of cases, although I will not generalize this greatly depends on the aggressiveness of the environment, in some regions 100% preservation of the skeletal shell is possible. Still, scientists somehow manage to find dinosaur skeletons.