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Different disciplines give different definitions of space. The simplest definition calls space the place in which something fits, as well as the distance between objects. Mathematics defines it as an environment in which various objects and objects are implemented. Physics considers space as an infinite and unchanging substance that does not manifest itself materially and is an arena for various processes and phenomena. For philosophy, space is one of the fundamental categories that is inherently related to time and is defined as the relationship between different objects, their mutual position, and connection in a particular period of time.
Space is the volume that you can control, that belongs to you.
For example, the apartment belongs to you according to the documents, but in fact it does not. Since you did not build it and if you lose it in force majeure, you do not control it, you were given it to use, they will turn off the light,water,heat and everything. You do not regulate these moments yourself – you were given the opportunity to use them.
But what you create yourself and what you know how to manage, that space belongs to you. To create it, you need to understand the devices , you need to understand the principles and laws by which parts of your system interact, otherwise everything will collapse -you will not be able to control it.
Another example is your family, your business can be a space. Your field of activity can be a space. in a fencing match, there is also space, but who does it belong to? – to the one who knows how to control it and who created it. but if you don't know the business structure, you won't be able to hold it for long. If you don't know the principles by which relationships are built, they will soon collapse.
These things are multi-applicable and always work, this is easy to see if you observe the life of your own or your environment
If you answer this question briefly in Chekhov's way:: What is a SPACE? Then it is God (religious). And to be more precise, this isAbsolute CONSCIOUSNESS-Space! But!
It is impossible for a person with the consciousness and intelligence given to him by the Absolute (God) to comprehend the essence of this question in any way until he reaches a spiritual state in which he begins to first reveal (gradually) the 6th sense (Intuition), and later the 7th sense (Buddhahood). For man is the only being among all that exists (fauna, flora, minerals, etc.) that is not perfect. All other beings are absolutely perfect. Why is that? This is a different topic, a different question.
Religion is not able to answer such complex questions, because, unfortunately, it does not need educated parishioners. Only SCIENCE can answer this, but not materialistic, but cosmic, which sometimes Avatars (Krishna, Jesus and others) who came to Earth gave particles of the Teaching, and which later people turned (distorted) into a religion.
Space is neither “boundless emptiness” nor” conditional completeness”, but it contains both concepts. Being – on the plane of absolute abstraction-an eternally unknowable Deity who is a void only to limited minds[2] on the plane of illusory speculation, or the Plenum, the absolute Receptacle of all That Exists, whether manifest or unmanifested, it is therefore the ABSOLUTE ALL. There is no difference between the statements of the Christian apostles- “in Him we live and move and have our being” and the statements of the Hindu Rishis – “The universe lives, proceeds and returns to Brahman”; for Brahman (the unmanifested) is this universe in abscondito, and Brahma-the manifested is the Logos made bisexual in symbolic Orthodox dogmas; and thus the God of the initiated Apostle and the Hindu Rishi is Space, both Invisible and Visible. Space, in esoteric symbolism, is called the “Sevenfold-clothed Eternal Mother-Father”, because from its undifferentiated to its differentiated surface, it consists of seven layers.
«What is what was, is, and will be, regardless of whether the universe exists or not, whether there will be gods or not? Senzar's esoteric Catechism asks.
The answer is given by – “Space“.
However,Space, considered as a Substantial Unity, is a living Source of Life.
Questions and answers:
«What is something that exists forever?“- Space, eternal Anupadaka (without parents).
What is something that has always existed? “The germ is in the Root.
What is that which always comes and goes? “The Great Breath.
Then there are three Eternals? “No, the three are one. That which always is is one, that which has always been is one, that which eternally exists and unfolds is also one; and this is Space.
Main provisions:
An omnipresent, Eternal, Boundless and immutable PRINCIPLE, about which no reasoning is possible, because it exceeds the power of human knowledge and can only be diminished by human expressions and likenesses. It is beyond the limit and reach of thought and, in the words of MândûKya – “Inconceivable and Unspeakable.”
There is only a Single, Absolute Reality that precedes all manifested and conditional Existence. This Infinite and Eternal Cause … is the “Rootless Root” of all that has been, is, or ever will be.” It is, of course, devoid of all attributes and essentially has nothing to do with the manifested finite Being. It is Beingness rather than Being and transcends thinking and reasoning.
This Being is symbolized in the Secret Doctrine under two aspects. On the one hand – Absolute, Abstract Space, which represents pure subjectivity, is the only thing that no human mind can either remove from its understanding of the world, or imagine it as in itself; on the other hand, it is the only thing that can be understood by the human mind.Absolute, Abstract Movement representing Unconditional Consciousness. Even our Western thinkers have come to the conclusion that consciousness is unthinkable for us apart from change.
This last aspect of the One Reality is also symbolized by the termThe Great Breath; a symbol that is sufficiently pictorial and needs no further explanation. Thus, the first basic axiom of the Secret Doctrine is this metaphysical One Absolute BEING, symbolized by finite reason, as the theological Trinity.
Space is called Mother before its cosmic activity and Father-Mother during the first stage of awakening.
Source: E. P. Blavatsky-The Secret Doctrine vol. 1 ch. Prologue
For humans, the concept of time is still confusing. Some people associate it with space. Which is equivalent to matchmaking a frog with a tractor or measuring the temperature in meters.
Even I. Kant argued that time does not exist, although it is much more complex and mysterious than it seems at first glance. In fact, we can track the passage of time, for example, by the movement of a car on the road.
Hence the summary: TIME is one of the parameters of the dynamics of matter in space. Therefore, scientists have called it, as it were, a continuum. But if there is no matter, then there is no continuum.
Space is an immaterial object that has the properties to contain matter, three-dimensionality and infinity in all directions.
Space is a limitless or limited space that can change objects in the nutria of itself, both by itself and with the help of other objects under the influence of time.
Architecture is the activity of creating an artistic environment for the life processes of society in specific natural conditions. Architecture organically combines two methods: scientific and technical rationalism and free creative inspiration.
In the activity of an architect, the concept of architectural space (AP) is perceived as an expediently organized space for certain socially significant purposes. The basis of the social purpose of space is processes related to living and living, trade, work and recreation, study, etc. Architectural space includes all kinds of buildings and structures designed to organize these processes (residential buildings and structures, public buildings and objects, industrial buildings, etc.). Architectural space is always visually limited to specific spatial forms. It is objectively real, but also concrete and historical, which will allow us to identify the fourth (temporary) dimension of this space.
Architectural activity is aimed at limiting the natural space to an artificially created material and spatial environment that has an aesthetic quality. AP is formed by the following components: mass and space. The AP consists of spatial shapes and planes, fences, objects, and equipment. The state of the space is determined by illumination, acoustics, and air movement.
The relationship between AP and natural (natural) space (PP) is defined by the concept of closed or open space. Closed space refers to the physical isolation of the created space, which provides protective functions of the projected object from natural space. Open space refers to the direct mutual connection of an object with a natural space.
To fix spaces relative to each other, the concept of internal and external spaces, space overflow, etc. is introduced. The essence of AP is a combination of internal, enclosing and external spaces.
Algebra. Linear spaces. Yandex. Metrica. Topology. These are the beginnings of what we know about space. About spaces.
In modern physics, our space can have up to 96 dimensions, most of which are degenerate. Not a miserable four-dimensional space-time. This… When was the last time I covered this topic (modern string theory) I was interested further than 96-and did not go. But physicists-they still have their own singularities in the microcosm, which Feynman pointed out in the last millennium – will not get rid of. And until they get rid of it, you can believe them very, very conditionally (in the sense that their advanced space theories are outdated).
On the other hand, each technological civilization creates on its way to the status of a Super – Civilization many worlds, in relation to itself-virtual. A little – for scientific purposes. But mostly-the entertainment industry. However, neural networks, AI – it also makes sense to train in virtual worlds.
So, from the point of view of statistics, yes, taking into account the recursiveness of the process…
And in this case, the space is what (and how) the coder wrote.
But this is theosophy, not to be confused with science. It differs by the Popper criterion. Not falsifiable, so it's not science. In this case, without going beyond the limits of our universe, it is impossible in principle to refute the hypothesis of its virtual nature. And once outside … how? Will you see a universe that is obviously nonvirtually embedded in something that may in turn be virtual in nature? Bad recursion!