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Materialism is a philosophical position that asserts the primacy of matter and its objective existence. Everything else is considered to be derived from matter.�
This can be considered at different levels. For example, in the philosophy of consciousness, this means that consciousness, if it exists at all, is a product of the activity of the nervous system. And historical materialism in Marxism means the primacy of objective economic processes in relation to the subject – in other words, in historical materialism, history is considered as a process that does not depend on the will and desires of individuals and is driven by external, objective reasons.
Positivism is a philosophical trend that asserts that the only source of reliable knowledge is the “positive” sciences, i.e. sciences that engage in concrete, empirical research, and that cultural fields such as philosophical metaphysics, theology, or, for example, religious mysticism cannot generate new knowledge. Simply put, positivists view science as the only source of meaningful statements about reality.
The last wave of interest in positivism in philosophy – logical positivism-faded in the mid-twentieth century under the influence of criticism from such authors as W. W. O. Quine, who, in particular, showed the impossibility of purely empirical statements. However, the ideas of positivism are still used in popular literature.
Positivism is the abstinence from judging reality as such, the attitude to limit oneself only to observable facts.
Materialism is a system of judgments about reality itself that projects observable facts onto what is not observed.
The concept of matter originated in the pre-scientific era, and does not have a clear scientific definition. To build a scientific philosophy based on such a muddy concept is simply ridiculous. The last person who tried to give a scientific definition of matter was Lenin, he came up with the idea that matter is what is reflected in a mirror, this was called the “theory of reflection”. According to this Leninist theory, if a painted dragon is reflected in a mirror, then it is material, and if energy is not reflected in the mirror, then it is immaterial, so it is spirit.
Positivism is based on a pluralistic fundamental ontology derived from Leibniz's Monadology: as many substances as scientists need, so much is postulated.
For example, in the middle of the 19th century, energy was discovered — no problem! — just describe its properties. In the 20th century, information was discovered — no problem! — just describe its properties and use it. There is no need to mess with the mirror and see what is reflected there and what is not.
What is considered matter in the framework of positivism, everyone can decide for himself, you only need to define this concept at the beginning of your text, if you are going to use it.
It's like comparing red to round.
Materialism can be defined as “Everything in the world is made up of atoms and so am I.”
This is a philosophical trend that assumes that, since we are made up of atoms, that is, matter, then it turns out that our consciousness is built from this matter and it is only a consequence of it.
Hence, a true materialist should fuck up anyone who mentions consciousness separate from the body.
Positivism can be defined as “Proof or Nonsense”.
Positivism is a philosophical trend that recognizes only empirical forms of knowledge, that is, only scientific ones.
This includes observations, experiments, logic, deduction, in general, everything that is called the scientific method.
Hence, a true positivist should fuck up anyone who mentions the knowledge of the world with the help of philosophy with its ether and consciousness.
Materialism is a worldview based on the idea that matter is the cause and consciousness is the effect.
Positivism is a statement about the existence of objective knowledge that can be obtained through scientific research.
That is, they are far from the same thing and not even parts of the same thing. One can be both a positivist and an idealist, gaining knowledge through scientific experiments, but not recognizing the primacy of matter.
The materialist says that the only reality is the material world and all processes in it can be explained based on the properties of matter.
The positivist says that the possibilities of knowledge are limitless and everything will be known sooner or later.
This is to put it simply.
That is, materialism and positivism are about different things and it is wrong to compare them.