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Each national philosophy has its own specifics, which are manifested in the main interests, in the dominant trends of thought, and in the attitude to philosophical schools. So, for example, abroad Hegel's dialectical logic is considered a kind of metaphysics. Thanks to Lotman, semiotics is popular in the post-Soviet space. Abroad, it is not particularly perceived there as a stage in the formation of modern linguistics. If at home, Russian philosophy is associated by many with Russian cosmism, sophiology and Tolstoyism, then abroad it is now more associated with Kropotkin's anarchism and left-wing intellectual heritage.
Actually, the general specifics are built up from such particular differences. In this regard, modern philosophy in Russia is generally more politicized and continental. However, in particular, it happens in different ways and you can meet people who work within the framework of the analytical tradition, which is more characteristic of Western philosophy.
Belarus is characterized by its own school of philosophy of science, created by the philosopher Stepin. Such cases.
A culture of thinking.
Low level of philosophical culture,
Lack of serious philosophical knowledge,
And not the ability for serious philosophical thinking,
It has brought our intelligentsia to that intelligentsia,
With her atheistic philosophical otsebyatiny.
Berdyaev N. A.
Materialistic atheism is a theory of ignorance
, bad manners, spiritual schizophrenia, low philosophical
views, divorced from centuries-old traditions and theories.
Making a person incapable of correct
thinking. N. A. Berdyaev._______
Against the fascination with various fashionable ideas
that undermine the authority of the biblical revelation about God
Solovyov says: “We who have the misfortune to belong to
the Russian intelligentsia, which, instead of the image of God,
still continues to wear the image and likeness of a monkey-we
we must finally see our pitiful situation, we must
restore the Russian national character, we must stop
making an idol out of every narrow and insignificant idea.”
(“Criticism of abstract principles”).
Without God, a nation is a crowd,
United by vice.
She's blind, she's deaf,
And what is even more terrible – cruel.
And let anyone who
speaks in a high syllable ascend to the throne.
The crowd will remain a crowd,
Until he turns to God!
First of all, it is distinguished by its authors. At the moment, the Russian School of philosophy primarily studies Russian philosophers, while abroad its educational traditions require studying local experience.