5 Answers

  1. The difference is that it will actually be easier for you to study philosophy somewhere. The fact is that formal education has a number of advantages.

    1. Knowledge control — when you need to take an exam in a certain subject, you will be forced to learn it up to a certain level.

    2. Systematic and regular training.

    3. Intelligent environment.

    Of course, how these advantages will be presented in a particular location and with what accompanying disadvantages is a separate question. But, in general, the presence of these three things greatly increases the quality of a person's knowledge.

    If self-discipline allows you to study regularly and put your knowledge to the test, then perhaps it is quite possible to study philosophy yourself. In principle, the history of philosophy is full of talented autodidacts. Here you always need to be honest with yourself and understand the difference between learning something and building up social prestige, when from time to time the repository of reposts is replenished with another article “for later”.

  2. It is impossible to study philosophy, you can, at best, get acquainted with the works of philosophers and nothing more. It is best to do this yourself, since you will not be forced to accept the teacher's point of view. It is easier for you to realize what you have learned and pass through yourself. The works of philosophers are a vision of problems and their prediction are written for themselves, and you need to find your vision of problems in their works and pass them through yourself. Good luck with your endeavors. With respect.

  3. philosophy is not studied, but learned! the very concept of philosophy is to explain something from different points of view, from different sides. Like, for example, synonyms in words, but when it comes to the same thing and here you need to ask the right question, but why learn philosophy at all? the answer is obvious to me, in order to expand my horizons of knowledge. And what you ask under the question, * study*, what you study is only certain images, then how someone defined this image, and you study it.

  4. Hello, there is no difference, as well as to study other sciences, with the same success you can study yourself. Higher education institutions, due to the age of teachers and the availability of the Internet, can provide little useful information, all information and even more is online, the main thing is to be able to filter.

  5. Today there is no philosophy, but only philodoxia. It is different for each of its representatives and it is impossible to study them. Therefore, the advice of Lucian of Samosata (Hermotim or about choosing a philosophy) is relevant – to avoid them like mad dogs. It is necessary to read primary sources, but they require adequate erudition, which is not present in youth. And their reading implies a preemptive choice (installation) when answering the question “What is philosophy”. Only understanding philosophy as the science of science, which provides the theorization of sciences, allows us to understand classical philosophy. And in this case, it is enough to master the method of explaining love in Plato's dialogue “Feast” in order to explain the world in the same way and master the technology of philosophizing as opposed to reasoning.

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