4 Answers

  1. Alexander Markov in” Human Evolution ” suggests that understanding the meaning of the actions of other members of the primitive community, that is, understanding who can do what for what, that is, from whom to expect what, was an evolutionary factor of success and survival.

    Since man was formed as a biological and social species.

    Actually, therefore, in the human psyche, if it develops fully, including socialization (and not like Mowgli), the need to look for meanings is “sewn up” evolutionarily.

    I like this idea))

  2. If you do not delve into terminology and psychology, but just think logically. I will do this based on my experience of 20 years and 10 months.�

    Meaning allows the existence of a goal, if there is a goal, then there is a path to it. We also understand that there may be more than one path, and in general, the number of paths and solutions may tend to infinity and is limited only by the duration of a person's life. From this, a person's lifestyle is formed. We need education -> to get a job. You need a job ->to provide yourself with food, shelter, and security. Food and so on -> to continue your generation.

    This is the same system as many other systems that exist in science and society. Systems exist to facilitate human perception of information, simplify technological processes, and so on. For example, you can take programming. This is also a system that obeys certain standards, it is predictable and helps to operate with a single signal that exceeds the number of signals. Thus, I simplify and speed up the process of creating programs and training specialists, they do not need to teach machine code and computer design from scratch, right up to contact. Thus, the system consists of elements that are connected to each other in the same way as the systems themselves are connected to each other. �

    If we talk about society. A person who obeys the system is easier to control, direct, and anticipate his steps. This means that the society will develop faster and more efficiently and achieve the goals set for the society. We will give people meaning, help them develop bipolar thinking with “good” and “bad”, give them a religion or a legal system. We will form goals for him and give him a kick so that he doesn't turn around and try to build a picture of what is happening wider than necessary.

    A person stands and moves at the same time, depending on what to evaluate. Who is a person without meaning to you? For me, this is a person without a goal, and therefore without a certain path. Our society is designed in such a way that these people cannot exist. And usually they end up not very pleasant, because if a person is truly without a goal, then he does not have a goal to survive. But there are people who exist on the “edge” (it can be understood in different ways, I myself do not fully understand) of the lack of meaning, or who strive for it. They were able to fit the current system to their foundations and comfortably exist in it (well, almost). For example: the realization that there is no meaning, but you can create it yourself where you think it is necessary, based on your personal experience. This illusion helps you develop more effectively. This method differs from the usual one in that we do not exist for the benefit of the whole society, but for ourselves.

  3. Well, look, as it was said earlier, the meaning of meaning is meaning ,BUT this is an infinite cycle.

    If you think in material terms, then nothing is infinite (except in binary code), so�

    In fact, there is no sense in the meaning . After all, if you think logically, then infinity in some factor is 0

  4. The answer is very simple. Here you need to touch the logic.






    The meaning is the same, but the meaning is different. The meaning of meaning is “meaning”. The type of connection that you use to indicate the meaning of this concept. Meaning is a representation of the link type. Meaning is what the concept stands for.

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