3 Answers

  1. The philosophy of silopsism recognizes the consciousness of the individual as the only thing that exists. Everything external is unreliable, and our senses transmit information with large errors.

    It is characterized by egoism and egocentrism in extreme forms.

  2. As far as I understood this (and, perhaps, I did not quite understand everything correctly), the essence is as follows: :

    First, all the solipsist's reasoning is built with him at the point of reference.

    The reasoning itself is something like this:

    I am there because I am aware of myself.

    There are feelings that I get.

    It is possible that the sensations are objective and what I perceive is also objective, but it is no less likely that this is not the case.

    In principle, this philosophy can be shown by several examples::

    1. A person sleeps, he dreams, in a dream he interacts with someone and something, receives information in sensations, but the world around and surrounding objects can hardly be considered objectively existing.
    2. A madman lives in a certain fictional world of his own, receives information through ordinary senses, but with a malfunction somewhere along the way, his world can hardly be considered objectively existing either.
    3. A person lies in a cocoon of virtual reality and his nervous system receives modulated signals about the surrounding world that obviously does not exist, although “in sensations” everything is real for him.
    4. An ordinary person lives an ordinary life. He believes that everything around him is real. But what is the basis of this belief? Why is he so sure that this isn't a dream, a virtual reality experience, or a drug addiction?

    There is a joke about the latter:

    Imagine that you have lived a pious life for 80 years and are dying on your deathbed, surrounded by relatives and friends (even students)… After 5 minutes around you, three-eyed aliens pull out a bulbulator from your seven-fingered paws and ask: “Well, how did it go? Not shnyaga? Should I smoke? Tell me, what did you see?”

    Anecdote taken from the site anekdotov.me

    Well, to clarify: it is quite possible that in principle only you exist, and I exist only during the period of writing this answer, and after sending it I will go into nothing. Or vice versa — I exist, and you are a piece of reality created specifically for me. And none of us can refute such a claim.

  3. an attempt to justify the normality of schizophrenia. in fact, a solipsist can easily find evidence against this theory in his personal experience, even in everyday life. there is a difference between dreams and fantasies, and reality. the world doesn't want to please us. our world is created by the struggle of the elements and all people. the best proof against c-zma is just plain pain. the solipsist is incapable of introspection and self-awareness. that's the point

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