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In phenomenology, things are considered only as a given of some experience [things outside of experience and experience without things are enclosed in parentheses].
Next step: how can I view myself? There is a reflection in which I myself am the subject of my own experience. But all this together is not an isolated system, does it not lead to solipsism?
Hence the next step: I exist because I am the subject of someone else's experience. The idea of the other is necessary in order not to enclose the whole of me and my reflection in the same brackets.
This opens up the world of others and the world of givens that are present not only in my experience, but also in the experience of others. This world Husserl called intersubjectivity. In my opinion, it is unfortunate, since this name smuggles the subject-object approach, which is the opposite of the phenomenological one [we return to the brackets of the first paragraph].