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“You created us for Yourself, and our heart does not rest until it rests in You” (Aurelius Augustine, Confession I, 1). This is if we talk about the theistic God. If we talk about the gods, then each has its own purpose, or specialization.
God – – – – He is the ALMIGHTY. I.e., there is and cannot be anything true that is not based on God. After all, all sciences can only exist, and all Knowledge produced by them can only be interpreted as Objective-if and only if each science assumes the expressibility of Truth in it. And although this expressiveness of Truth is fundamentally never achievable (interpreting such an attitude of science as fiction), but outside of it, any science will be absurd. And since God– – is God-Truth, it means that everything we say and interpret as something objective – – – is also based on the Nature of the Deity. If something is unclear, I can distribute it in a different way, and of course it is advisable to specify the desired level + details of ambiguity.
“This is My work, and My glory, to secure the immortality and eternal life of man.” Moisey's book. “For my own purpose I created all things.”I will gather the fruit that pleases Me.” These are His children who love Him, and love His commandments, and love all people, His children, who strive to be like Him in everything. You can ask a similar question: What do we need children for? What did Pushkin write poetry for? And why did Tsialkovsky forget about home and spend the night in the workshop in a box of shavings? Answer: the desire to create something new, and God is a Great Creator.
God is an abstract model of the highest form of consciousness that defines the finite meaning of the infinite meaning of deterministic chains of events, being their interminating beginning. Simply put, ” God ” is a kind of absolute that takes finite values on the interval 0 to 1. God serves as an idealized model to follow. Masons call this entity the Great Architect of the Universe. Christians have absolute love. Astrophysicists identify God with superstrings.
Kaku Michio
“We believe that God's consciousness is cosmic music, the music of strings resonating in 11-dimensional hyperspace. This is God consciousness.”
Some strange questions, what is the purpose of God? And what is the purpose of this bolt or nut? Or this engine, or this sea, phenomenon? And who then ordained God, determining his destiny? Then we must ask what is the purpose of thinking and what is its meaning? If you can think up, dream up anything and not think it's reasonable, or not reasonable? Therefore, the purpose of God, as you write with a small letter, is to serve you, trying to fulfill your requirements! And for those who write with a Capital letter: – serve God, and fulfill His requirements! True, there is another third way, but it is not pre-assigned for you! Good luck!
Depending on which God, there are more gods in our time than types of soda in the supermarket.
You can consider this question on the example of the Christian god, it is very clear that this god serves today to calm a person, a person believes in a God who is always there, will protect and help, will protect you from adversity and give you self-confidence, and well, will absolve sins if you have them.�
Yes, that's actually the whole purpose of God for the philistine.�
And if we consider God as an abstract superpower or an image of a super being, then I think his motives are unknown/incomprehensible to us and his role in our life is also unknown, although it is possible that he took part in our creation.