3 Answers
For any person, time seems intuitive and is the basis for the existence of not only objects, but also events. In scientific terms, time is a condition for changing processes and objects, a measure of the duration of their existence. Some scientists believe that time is an objective quantity and does not depend on a person's judgments or thoughts, while others associate time with an internal experience.
It seems to me that time objectively exists as an extra dimension. I.e., it is a physical quantity that can be “touched”.
Let me illustrate with an example: Imagine 2 identical wooden bars and 2 identical nails. If a nail is driven into one bar with one light blow of the hammer, then it will enter, for example, half of its length. Now let's try to push another similar nail into the same bar with the help of hand strength without using a hammer. It is clear that we will apply much more force when pressing the nail than when hitting the hammer, but the result will be much more modest.
In fact, we always use devices or objects that hammer piles, jackhammers, punchers, etc., as opposed to presses or other indentation devices.
If we analyze this phenomenon, we can conclude that the ability to penetrate depends on speed, and therefore on time.
It turns out that with any interaction of material bodies, time is literally ALLOCATED, and therefore absorbed.
And if so, you can learn how to manage your time. It turns out that any moving object allocates time. Temperature is probably also time. For example, a low temperature means that time passes slowly. High-fast. -
appppp in my opinion space-time values are scalar another thing is that the movements in them are vector values in different directions light and waves propagate in all directions at once time is an anti-world of space that has its own property of annihilation as if it is prostrastvapridavaya emunedostatochnost kotraya and is 3-dimensionality
Most of the reasoning about time does not have an initial, empirically interpreted definition of time. Everyone talks about their own understanding (misunderstanding), and confusion occurs. The main problem with understanding the concept of “time” is that it has several meanings:
1) Time as a standard of duration (measured in seconds). As a standard of duration, various cyclical, repetitive processes with the same (equal) duration are used.
Important: the duration in an experiment is always the duration on the reference device of time (“hours”) The observer.
“Proper duration”, “time” in the observed objects (including in inertial systems) is a different speed of processes in them, and this is recorded using the observer's device.�
2) Aristotle: “Time as a measure of motion, a measure of changes in the observed object”, “the proper time of the object”, its ” relative age “(relative to itself). For example, if the Sun has used up 46% of its energy at the time of observation, then the Sun's own age is 46%.
Time as a measure of changes can be measured without a clock, “geometrically” – it can be changes in the distance between objects and measured, for example, in meters. In this case, the time is not “how much”, but “when”. For example, consider the Time Reporting System (TDS): “when an object moving in a straight line from point A to point B was at a distance of 10 m from point A”: this means 10 m will be a measure of changes (“time”) in this TDS.
3) Time as a sequence of events, dividing events by “later – earlier”
4) Historical time scale, chronology, – the location of events in their sequence. Some people may confuse the order of events.
5) Subjective perception of these understandings of time, + various memories and fantasies (altered states of consciousness) on the topic of time in a person's head – but this is no longer physics.
People usually have all this mixed up in their heads to the point of indistinguishability.
For more information, see: Ilyasov F. N. Time as the spent potential of existence. Web-Institute for Research on the Nature of Time, Moscow: 2015.
Basically, time is just a word.
But if you look from a philosophical point of view, this is what all of humanity lacks. we study, work and so our life goes Let's return to the question of what is it-a form of physical and mental processes. We study, we work, and that's how our life goes. We live to make our descendants live better. But the most important thing is to be able to enjoy the time that you are given without harming others. I hope I answered the question, if something is not clear, ask again.
The concept itself was probably known to people long before the invention of watches. Although you can immediately say about the clock from a stick stuck in the ground or about how ancient people marked the time of day for themselves by the location of the sun in the sky, but the concept itself, after all (if we do not talk about physics), is not directly related to measuring devices (clocks and their derivatives). In addition, if you were asked if you feel the passage of time when there is no clock next to you, you would, of course, answer: “I do.”�
Just as distance exists regardless of whether we measure it in meters or cubits, so time exists outside of human-made units of measurement. And given that even many physicists recognize the philosophical basis of the concepts of time and space, we can assume that time is something related to our personal perception of the world. It's just that there is only one way a person can observe life – as a continuous sequence of events. Although, in reality (and what is “in reality”?) everything can happen at the same time or just not in the way we perceive it.�
Therefore, time, to be extremely honest, can be called one of the properties of a person's perception of the world around them.
Time-a form of physical and mental processes, a condition for the possibility of change. One of the basic concepts�philosophy�and�physics,�measure�duration of existence of all the objects, characteristics consistent change their States in the processes and the processes of change and development, as well as one of the coordinates of a single�of space-time, the idea of which develop in�theory of relativity.
In classical physics, time is a continuous quantity, an a priori characteristic of the world that is not defined by anything. As the basis of measurement, a certain, usually periodic, sequence of events is used, which is recognized as a standard for a certain period of time. This is the basis of the working principle of�hours.