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In terms of my very vulgar subjective rationalism, the attitude of philosophers to truth looks something like this::
Socrates: The truth of life is in the benevolence of human beings towards each other
Aristotle: The truth will be revealed to those who can determine the cause and find love in relation to its effects among themselves and to their cause …
Plato: Truth is understood in love for the perfection of the Creator's plan of the universe
Hume: Truth is known through sensory experience
Kant: Orient yourself as I do, and may you have happiness in life and truth in its understanding…
Hagel: Try to think like me , and the movement of thought will allow you to perceive the truth to the extent that your mind is large and flexible…
Victor Zola: Interact with your own kind and opposite entities, and in moments of harmonious cooperation, your mind and soul will share in the truth of life…
Only Love…
Georgy Petrov 2
God is so omnipotent that He can ONLY manifest Himself as Love.
God has no” nature”, but life (a mode of existence). It consists in THE EMBODIMENT of the Truth (His Word) = God is Love.
Analogy: a programmer and a computer that creates an artificial intelligence that can communicate with God…. Something like that.
There is truth as an internal concept of a particular theory. Any particular theory.
In this sense, the axiomatics of the theory is true in a broad sense. In a narrow sense, an axiom is true, if not contradictory. Further, all statements that follow from axiomatics are true in full accordance with the rules of inference of the formal theory – or the rules of the particular logic that the theory incorporated (not necessarily Aristotelian). In the case of contradictory axiomatics, the theory can prove the truth of all “well-formed-formulated” statements. And in a narrow sense, they are all false.
Further. There is truth, as the correspondence of the theory, the correspondence of our model-external reality. In arithmetic, 2+2=4. This follows from its axiomatics. This is an intrinsic truth of arithmetic. But it is also an external truth in the sense that it corresponds to certain external facts. For example, two rams plus two rams = four rams. Two apples plus two apples = four apples. This can be tested in practice. And find the limits of applicability. For example, if you add up two clouds and two clouds… the devil knows what will happen there! If you merge two lakes and two lakes together, then according to the rules of arithmetic, at least their volume of water is added up.
For example, “2×2 = 4” is true not because it coincides with a real fact, but because it is in agreement with the system of mathematical knowledge. Proponents of pragmatism (from the Greek pragma — business) consider the criterion of truth to be the effectiveness of knowledge. True knowledge is proven knowledge that successfully “works” and allows you to achieve success and practical benefits in everyday affairs. In Marxism, the criterion of truth is practice (from the Greek. praktikos-active, active), taken in the broadest sense as any developing social activity of a person to transform himself and the world (from everyday experience to language, science, etc.). Only a statement that has been proven by practice and the experience of many generations is recognized as true. For supporters of conventionalism (from the Latin convcntio — agreement), the criterion of truth is universal agreement about statements. For example, scientific truth is what the vast majority of scientists agree with. Some criteria (consistency, efficiency, agreement) They go beyond the classical understanding of truth, so they speak of a non-classical (respectively coherent, pragmatic, and conventional) interpretation of truth. The Marxist principle of practice attempts to combine pragmatism and the classical understanding of truth. Since each criterion of truth has its own drawbacks, all criteria can be considered complementary. In this case, only what meets all the criteria can be called unambiguously true. There are also alternative interpretations of truth. Thus, religion speaks of a superintelligent truth based on the Holy Scriptures. Many modern trends (for example, postmodernism) generally deny the existence of any objective truth. Modern science adheres to the classical interpretation of truth and believes that truth is always objective (does not depend on the desires and moods of a person), concrete (there is no truth “at all”, outside of clear conditions), procedural (is in the process of constant development). The latter property is revealed in the concepts of relative and absolute truth.