3 Answers

  1. Since no one really got anything out, I'll have to refer to the Wiki:

    “Vulgar materialism.Vulgar Materialismus, Latin. vulgaris-ordinary, simple) – the name by which the philosophical trend within the framework of materialism of the mid-XIX century is known. The name belongs to Friedrich Engels.

    It originated in the period of the great discoveries of natural science of the XIX century. The theoretical forerunner of vulgar materialism was the French materialistP. Kabanis, the main representatives are German scientists K. Focht and L. Buchner, Dutch Ya. Moleschott. These authors were primarily concerned with medicine, anatomy, and physiology; their philosophical pursuits stemmed from their scientific and biological activities. The emergence of vulgar materialism was influenced by Darwin's theory of evolution and the discovery of organic matter. In many ways, the current was a reaction against German idealism.”

    According to their own observations, idealists call anyone who confidently and uncompromisingly destroys all their tender ethereal verbal constructions a “vulgar materialist“.

  2. Vulgar materialists believe that there is only matter. Dialectical materialists recognized that there is both matter and spirit (dialectics), but only spirit is secondary to matter.

    For reference, there were still idealists who recognized both matter and spirit, but considered spirit primary, since it is written in the very beginning of the Bible.

  3. Dictionaries claim that the word vulgar means ” simplified to distortion, vulgarization, primitive, tasteless.” Hence the obvious meaning of the term vulgar materialism.

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