One Answer

  1. There is no such thing as time.This is what people have come up with for their own good.I recommend reading Hawking's A Brief History of Space and Time.It explains in detail in clear language what time is

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5 Answers

  1. Time is a concept, a tool for describing the world in a human-friendly language. The words “appeared ” and” before ” are inside this concept, just as a chicken is inside an egg. To answer the question: what was first, a chicken or an egg, you need to understand what a chicken is, how it differs from dinosaurs, for example. So it is with time. You need to specify what it is. If this is a tool for describing the causal relationships of the world, then you can apply it to the very first causal relationship. The Big Bang is a model of the transformation of the world from a state of wholeness to a state of separation into particles. At the moment of the world's integrity, there are no causes and effects, everything is in the same place and at the same time. This is one of the models for describing the world. In the absence of absolute knowledge about these processes, many other models can be devised. For example, to invent a different time, different from the current one, in order to somehow describe the state of the whole world with the potential for disintegration.

  2. I'm going to speak purely out of the blue, based on my cultural background, no matter how loud it may sound)

    A specific and unambiguous answer is unlikely to be obtained. That is, this question does not imply “Time appeared in … century/year”.

    I would like to answer that time appeared together with man, but after all, other living organisms have a division of their existence into some blocks, units. The measure of time is in its movement, and all living things somehow determine that “everything flows”.

    But if you think about it from the other side, before there was life, there was already matter. After all, there were, for example, lunar cycles that provoked tides, and cyclically.

    It turns out that the time appeared along with the time when “everything” appeared. Well, and with it immediately and space, of course.

    And then “everything” already existed within the framework of space-time, even without knowing it)

  3. The question” when ” implies a request to specify a certain time interval. Modern physics considers the space-time continuum as a single object, that is, time appeared at the same time as space. However, it is not at all clear how the time dimension axis can be chosen for events that preceded (were the cause of) the emergence of space, because we cannot perceive other dimensions. Thus, the only possible answer is that time appeared at the moment when our reality appeared.

  4. Time and space are inseparable. It is safe to say that time exists only when observing a physical phenomenon, for example, the movement of an object, or light, which is a guarantee of the presence of space, and therefore time. The oldest light that is visible today is relic radiation, it is 13.77 ± 0.059 billion years old. The physical answer is 13.77 ± 0.059 billion years ago or more.

    The philosophical answer is when there is irreversibility, i.e. the selected direction of time, which is counted from the first irreversible event. Penrose discusses the issue of the allocated time direction in the book ” Singularities and asymmetry in time.”, but when it appeared, it is still impossible to say exactly.

  5. His mustache quivered
    and his watch danced
    Skok� – �century
    Skok� – �century…
    � � � � Gray mustache
    � � � � watch has stopped
    � � � � vanished time
    � � � � burned seed
    � � � � choked vomiting
    � � � � hanged hiccup
    � � � � crouched fear
    � � � � and under the jacket…….
    In the “darkness” mirror, “water”and” candle…
    Someone “inside ” dies”laughing…
    � � � � lips foaming
    � � � � teeth chattering
    � � � � wait for the eclipse
    � � � � wait for the sign
    � � � � those who are waiting for you at night in the field!..
    Understand the order…
    Who is the “holy”father…
    Who has never been a tenant…
    Who”broke”the ring…
    Who”fell”under”the wheel…
    Everything will come true right away…
    Everything will be forgotten…
    Everything�is formed…
    � � � � Moved the body
    � � � � Circles around the room
    � � � � Without any effort
    � � � � Itself
    � � � � Itself
    � � � � ITSELF!!!
    � � � � Fingers curled
    up � � � � Black cramp
    � � � � Black cramp
    � � � � My fingers are crooked!

    Made of red-hot steel
    � � � � In the monstrous distance — JUMP-JUMP!!!
    � � � � � � � � � � � � HOP-HOP!!!

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