2 Answers

  1. Usually, when a person says that all events are not random, he either means a model of the deterministic world (all events are connected by causal relationships), or retells ideas about the deity-the first cause that determines all events, or both at the same time. These are convenient thinking positions, because if everything is predetermined in advance, then a person is not free to make decisions, any action will be as it should have been. Can there be personal responsibility for one's actions in such a world? After all, a person can say: “I am not the cause of my actions, but a slave to the world, I do what I should.” In such a model, a person is a non-free cog of a huge mechanism.

    But you can explore the world on different levels. When we look at the fundamental phenomena, the particles that make up the world, we find that everything is more complex than if we were looking at large familiar objects. In other words, you can view the world on different scales. Imagine that the elements that make up the world are small children in kindergarten. They may behave differently. The less elements interact with each other, the harder it is to predict their behavior. If, for example, children are playing hide-and-seek, they will run everywhere. Predicting who will hide where is very difficult. And if they are dancing hand-in-hand in a music lesson, it is much easier to predict where Vanya and Masha will be next, because a lot of connections determine their behavior. Here, the more links there are between elements, the easier it is to calculate the probable speed and location in space of this large population. For example, we can calculate for many years ahead how galaxies and planets will move. Because they are very large. A lot of connections determine their behavior. We can even identify patterns in the appearance of such objects. For example, the law of conservation of energy in isolated systems. But we can't predict the behavior of a single tiny element with absolute accuracy. The usual laws don't work on such small scales. For example, an element may appear out of nowhere and at the same time disappear into nowhere. You won't be able to determine the reason for this behavior of elements. You can only say that they behave like this because it is their nature. The elements are so small that they don't even look like particles. They are more like waves, vibrations of some kind of world field. These fluctuations are difficult to describe in mathematical terms. There is a Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The more precisely we can describe the coordinate of a particle-wave in space, the less accurately we know its momentum or velocity. Therefore, we have to calculate the likely behavior of the elements. Try to limit the probable space and time. Children are more likely to hide in the same room and do it until four o'clock, because then afternoon tea. In this way, we combine elements into groups and can improve the accuracy of probability calculations.

    Therefore, the larger the scale of consideration of the world, the better cause-and-effect patterns work, and vice versa. In such a world, a person is free. Because his consciousness is determined by very tiny elements. We won't be able to predict what kind of spark will fire in the brain next. What will make a person suddenly go and cut apple slices into buckwheat porridge, or dye their hair blue, or quit a long-term bad habit? We can only consider the most likely scenarios of human behavior, study brain networks, but at the same time understand that consciousness is basically free, that at any moment something tiny can arise out of nowhere, which will launch a new chain of cause and effect, which can lead to huge consequences.

  2. Randomness is random. And what is not accidental is not accidental. The first law of logic is that what we are talking about remains within the framework of one argument and is not replaced by something else.

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One Answer

  1. For me, it is.

    For some, this will be a miracle or a disaster.

    It depends on the person, how he perceives the world.

    A person does not see in a broken heel anything but future financial costs.

    A person in a hurry will generally curse this heel, because now lateness is inevitable. And the life of such a person is a daily struggle with the world. Everyone and everything around him is to blame for his failures.

    Randomness is always a consequence of our thinking. A distracted person gets one thing, a conscious person gets another.

    Accidents with positive results happen in active people with positive thinking, those who live in the flow, catching a wave of luck.

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