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Then, to be different from the dead. What cannot die is dead.
In general, within the framework of biology, death from old age is such an adaptation. To ensure a generational shift that accelerates the acquisition of new adaptations and ensures that new individuals of the species clear the space.
But we have to make sense of our own death, not just die. And if there were no death, there would be no need for reflection, for movement, for development. Nothing would make sense. The question “why” would not need to be asked, just as animals do not ask it, for which there is no death as a conscious phenomenon.
We die to live. a paradox? Not at all. In order to live forever, you need to change your shape. The content (inner man) is eternal, the form is transitory. Everything that is once created (form) should disappear sometime. Object, they say, and the soul was also created once. Omitting unnecessary details about the terms-soul-spirit, spirit (consciousness ) eternal, infinite, uncreated.
Immortality includes only that which is immortal in itself. Spirit, an emanation of the First Cause ( Absolute). The highest principles of man (the spiritual soul) exist forever, regardless of whether the phenomenal universe exists or has disintegrated into atoms.
Death of a person ( his lower principles; physical body, etheric, astral and lower mental) this is getting rid of an outdated, used-up form. It is these bodies that have the shape of a particular person, created by this person during life. That is, a mental image of yourself. What we see in the mirror.
The higher principles of man: the higher mind, the spiritual soul and the spirit continue to exist without losing their individuality. Individuality is not a person. The personality of Ivan Ivanovich disappears forever after the death of the body.
It's like being in a theater. An actor is an individual. Role – personality. The play ends, the actor changes his clothes, leaves the role and goes home. Tomorrow is another performance and a different role.
No form can exist forever. This is the law of the universe. Therefore, in order for life to continue, the form must die.
Why aren't we here forever? Why do we need time? Matter does not exist outside of time. And if we think of eternity, we are no longer thinking of matter.
This is how awareness of the existence of non-matter is born. And this is the beginning.
To find out the answer, you need to go back to the very beginning of human history and answer the question: why do people die?
The first humans, Adam and Eve, were settled in the Garden of Eden. They were given a command from God: “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou shalt eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest of it, thou shalt surely die.”- the book of the Bible Genesis 2 chapter 16 and 17 texts.
If they had obeyed, they would have shown respect for God's authority. But they believed Satan (the rebellious angel), who promised that after they ate the forbidden fruit, they would become like God.
Death is the result of their rebellion against God. Adam passed on imperfection and sin to all his descendants. Sin can be compared to a terrible hereditary disease that is transmitted to people from Adam and Eve. The Bible says, “As by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin, so death passed on to all men, because in him all sinned.” – Romans 5: 12 text.
All people are born sinful, so sooner or later they will die. But this was not part of God's plan. He never wanted people to die.
God promises that the time will come when people will stop dying: “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death…” – Revelation 21 chapter 4 text.
To put an end to death, you need to eliminate its cause — sin. God will do this through Jesus Christ, who takes away the sin of the world.
All biological entities die. This is one of the manifestations of the rhythmic life of the matter of the universe.
They die to be reborn in a new capacity. More precisely, physical bodies die.
The personality does not die, but is reincarnated in a new body. This is called reincarnation. You can call it the transmigration of the soul from body to body.
Hello, Andrey.
Death is meaningless. God did not create death. But it came from the separation of man from God. It is allowed by God so that evil does not develop in a person indefinitely, as in the devil, so that a person does not get tired of endless senselessness (if he decides to correct himself).
It is very sad that we are dying. This is a tragedy for all of humanity. But a great tragedy is a sin. He is the cause of death. He is also the cause of an even more terrible state-being in hell, and then in hell of fire – for those who will not part with him. The first death (on earth) is reminiscent of the second death – in Gehenna. And it serves as a kind of bridle for a person, so that he does not fall into hell.
Someone will say: but God is omnipotent! He could have saved man from sin, death, and hell. Why all this?
For the fact that a person is free and intelligent, and not like animals that live according to natural necessity, or like robots that live according to a program. Not for animals, not for robots, but for humans, who must earn it. God is not only good, but also just. Therefore, he asks for misdemeanors and crimes, although he mercifully gives a person the opportunity and time to correct them.
In the end, we live to die, and we die to live. We live in such a way (if we live correctly) that it is not shameful or terrible to die, but we die with the hope of the mercy of the Almighty, without which no one will be saved, will not escape gehenna, and will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.