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- Why did everyone start to hate the Russians if the U.S. did the same thing in Afghanistan, Iraq?
- What needs to be corrected in the management of Russia first?
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- When they say "one generation", how many do they mean?
Tradition is a way of life that allows you to define the boundaries of what is allowed, regulates the processes of transition from one state to another and from one relationship to another. Traditions are passed down from generation to generation, but they are always transformed, interwoven with modern innovations.
And this is normal, because we are all carriers of traditions, some people know more about them, some less.
I think today, they come in more handy on the psychological front. To understand yourself better, you can study your roots, the history of your ancestors and ethnic group. And folklore is a good art therapy. Folklore can be used to educate children and develop their imagination. We live in a city and don't plow the land, but we still live in a cycle of life and death. This cycle accompanies us in changing seasons, in sleeping and waking up, in having children, in layoffs and devices. Not only physically, but also mentally.
It is not folk traditions that hinder progress. Progress is made by minds, and minds have always been part of tradition. From occupied development.
And for the people as a whole, traditions combined with modern realities are good. What is preserved can no longer be called a living tradition or the wisdom of the people. Time changes your thinking. It is necessary to take the best of them for education and creation.
In principle, in order to maintain a memorable connection with your ancestors, with generations, with the culture of your people, and all that – in short, all beautiful words.�
This is very commendable when you know the folk music of your nation, its songs, sayings, dances, national costumes, etc. Very cute. But here it is very important to mark the line: where the above ends, and mossiness begins, obscurantism, and sometimes (or rather, this “sometimes” happens very often) outright barbarism. I.e., when you are declared an outcast, a traitor, or even immediately an “enemy of the people”for the fact that you, even knowing all the folk customs by heart, suddenly allowed yourself to dress in American jeans, get a haircut according to world fashion, and listen to jazz/rock and roll, etc. In the former Soviet Union, such views, with varying degrees of severity, were practiced, practically, for the entire existence of the state. The country where the revolutionaries won was soon transformed into a kingdom dominated by super-urban mores and customs that are more concrete than even the American collective farmers living in trailers. But why keep mentioning Mother Russia, which has become a capitalist power after all? Vaughn, in the most beautiful North Korea, according to some sources (primarily from the Russian media, if anything), even wearing jeans is dangerous for social status and health.
I am sometimes told that in Russia there are “traditions of strong state power” and “faith in a person, not a system”. Then, in response, I say: these are the traditions that should be demolished, destroyed, to hell with it! Here the interlocutors, especially if they are representatives of the notorious “older generation”, or young patriots, begin to beat their ears hard on their cheeks, and be indignant: “Well, how is that?! Break – not build! You should ruin everything! You don't respect the experience of generations, but just have mcduckies and hamburgers with stripteases, and so on blah-blah-blah.” What can I say here? Demagoguery, in its purest form. In Germany, where the Fuhrers no longer come, citizens have not stopped eating Bavarian sausages, washing them down with beer, and even slapping their asses in leather shorts. In Latin America, basically, they have overcome the tradition of all these “caudillos” – “saviors of the nation and Fatherland”. So what? Yes, the trick is that where it is properly overcome, and established a normal, efficient democratic system, in a strange way, the economy is developing very successfully. Chile and Argentina, rather, can be compared, in terms of living standards, with other countries of Western Europe. And not only with Portugal. BUT, YES! There, because of this, they did not stop playing maracas; dancing tango, rumba and samba; frying asado and drinking mate. �
At one time, in the aforementioned Latin America, the evil Spanish Cancistadors destroyed, for example, the following traditions (or customs):: tear out a man's heart from his chest on the altar, and then throw his corpse down the steps of the sacred pyramid, so that it can then be solemnly eaten by distinguished leaders of agriculture and production; or freeze sacrificial children in a cave-just in case the gods are not angry. Under the current Russian legislation, it will probably lead to trampling on the feelings of believers, not otherwise.
On the one hand, let's say we have a long tradition of the Pomors of the Russian North, who perfectly know when it is possible and necessary to fish, and do it in the traditional way, managing to provide families with everything they need for a long time (of course, the authorities have already imposed a ban on this)). On the other – the traditions of African peoples to “iron” a girl's breast. And someone – to eat people. There is, after all, some difference between the English custom of burning an effigy symbolizing the conspirator Guy Fawkes, and when somewhere in the hinterlands of Africa or Asia, a pet is burned alive, and even (often) a person.�
But, again, somewhere a traditional rope bridge turned out to be more economically feasible than a concrete one on stilts. Somewhere the local collective farmers knew that it would not work with the land reclamation system, and they were right. Somewhere, a long-standing local custom helped boost the economy. Common sense, and a collective decision – to the rescue!
Samuel Huntington, in his book” Clash of Civilizations”, noted such a phenomenon as indigenization. This is a trend towards cultural isolation and greater attention to traditions. You can also recall museization, i.e. the tendency to increase the popularity of museums, increase their number, and so on. This is all part of a larger phenomenon called historicism. Given the plastic realities of the modern world, it is not surprising that people pay a lot of attention to traditions. Tradition becomes, in a sense, a way of preserving one's own identity.
Traditions and customs nowadays are mostly a tribute to our ancestors. Commitment to behavior, thoughts of the past, conscious identification with a certain segment of the population of the past, the language of behavior. Such conventions may not give you the moral right to take the next step. It depends on the strength of the tradition, measured by popular support.