2 Answers

  1. It depends on what you mean by hate and “everyone”. Students and postgraduates, for example, do not like Hegel because of the complexity of the language in which his fundamental works are written. But if you look from the point of view of a specialist philosopher, this complexity “cuts off” ambiguity, ambiguity of interpretations.

    According to Schopenhauer, Hegel is bad because his philosophy ” knows neither grounds nor consequences, that is, it proves nothing and itself proves nothing and explains nothing.” But this, on the contrary, is the novelty and strength of Hegel's philosophy, which revolutionized philosophical thought. Therefore, the version that Schopenhauer disliked Hegel for personal reasons (envy, first of all) also seems plausible. There is a legend that on the day of Hegel's death, Schopenhauer held a banquet on this occasion. The “octopus” that stuck its tentacles into almost every question of philosophy has finally died.

    Despite all the dislike of Hegel, from contemporaries to students, he went down in history as the most important figure, whose HUGE contribution to philosophy is undeniable.

  2. Why everything? Zizek, for example, loves him very much. You can assume that he could even sleep with him if he had the opportunity. After all, it is not every day that a simple Slovenian philosopher is lucky enough to combine with the World Spirit of History.

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