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The question is quite complex, as it requires capturing a huge historical and philosophical content for a detailed and well-founded answer.
Logic is not just a branch of philosophy. Logic is what philosophy went for in its historical development from Parmenides to Hegel. Even in the teachings of Heraclitus, we find an indication of the logos, according to which all things change.
The first person who tried to systematically reveal the logical basis of reality was Plato, who discovered dialectics – the science of consistent logical thinking.
It fell to Aristotle to formalize the laws of rational thinking and demonstrate their limitations. Please note that he himself does not think within the limits specified by him in the Organon (corpus of logical works).
The peak of philosophical thought was reached in the teachings of the German idealists, and quite definitely expressed in the Science of Logic of Hegel.
The analytic philosophy mentioned above, while remaining within the framework of a formal relation to the subject of knowledge, is drowned in antinomies and parologisms. This is the problem of the trolley and other “thought experiments” of the modern philosophizing public.
Previously, there was only one science (universal) and it was called philosophy. Later it split into specializations, and today we have even narrow specializations.
So philosophy as an exact science is based on logic, which will be tested by demonstrations. since what you don't understand, you won't be able to show it, so you won't be able to use it. and these things are written and described in the treatises of the 16th-19th centuries on fencing.. What is the “Philosophy of Weapons” by Hieronimo de Carranza worth?
Your question contains a presuppositional error. Only a part of logic belongs to philosophy. Many branches of logic are part of mathematics, and they are generally referred to as mathematical logic. The rest of it belongs to philosophy for two reasons:
Logic is a science. Science is not a philosophy or a branch of it. Therefore, logic is not a philosophy or a branch of philosophy.
What is philosophy? It is difficult to answer unequivocally. It is usually said that this is a rational way of understanding reality, as opposed to an intuitive, for example, religious way.
I would say that philosophy is the art of thinking. How can philosophy and logic be compared? Like art and grammar.
So, the grammar of a particular language reflects its rules for constructing words, phrases, and sentences. You can also analyze the entire text grammatically. Grammar can be learned, understood, applied, observed, or broken. But this is not the same as the art of speech. He is engaged in the theory of literature (rhetoric and poetics). The art of speech can be learned, but it cannot be learned, it is an art. It is developed by long training sessions.
Or in music-solfeggio-musical literacy, the ability to write notes under dictation, determine intervals, chords. And the art is to compose or perform works. Art is a gift.
What is science? This is also difficult to determine. Science contains reliable knowledge, and philosophy contains opinions. Science includes both the activities of scientists in the search for knowledge, and the hypotheses that they put forward. But science itself is only knowledge confirmed by experience or evidence. Logic is the basic knowledge used in proofs. This is the most important of the sciences – the grammar of thinking. Without it, as well as without experience, there are no other sciences. It is also used in philosophy as a reference point for movement. A philosopher who ignores logic is not a philosopher. Most often, this is a sophist who wants to create only a kind of reasoning, without having knowledge in this area.
No art can exist without a grammar that corresponds to it. But art uses grammar, and does not contain it as an integral part. So philosophy does not contain logic, as a section, but it does not happen without logic (unless, of course, the philosopher is sane and not a charlatan).
Be reasonable and reasonable!
Historically, logic is part of philosophy, not other scientific disciplines. In fact, logic studies the methods, forms and laws of intellectual cognitive activity, systematizing them with the help of special laws. Intellectual activity and cognition are themselves the subject of philosophical study.
Philosophy of logic is a branch of philosophy that studies the subject matter, functionality, and methodology of logic as a general methodological concept of science. The philosophy of logic examines the problem of the presence and combination of ontological and cognitive bases in logic, the problem of the validity or fictitiousness of logical inference (implication, material implication), the volume of declarations (declarations) that precede reasoning, and the content of the categories true and false. Modern philosophy of logic studies the problems of granularity of the world and imposed projections, the dependence of logical construction on the base of correlation, the allocation of a certain conventionality of the world as a “truth-maker”, etc.
The founder of the philosophy of logic should be recognized as Edmund Husserl, who first raised the problem of the ontological origins of logic, not closed in the problematic limits of the methodology of thinking. Modern philosophy of logic mainly studies a group of problems that appeared in connection with the development of mathematical logic, expressed, in particular, in the concept of “mereology”. In the works of the modern American philosopher Barry Smith, the principles of creating an ontology of the formal and the dependence of the truth assessment on the correlative projection that determines it are formulated.
It can be said that in the strict sense logic, as the science of categories of constructing “correct” thinking, fits quite adequately into philosophy as a section, since it affects just the method of cognitive activity, expressing it in logical language.
We extract and sort knowledge with our minds, and logic is defined in most dictionaries and sources as the science of the laws of thinking. And thinking is expressed in language in the form of reasoning. We contact you in the same way.
Logic as a science explores methods of achieving truth in the process of cognition, not from sensory experience, but from knowledge that is given with the help of language.