15 Answers

  1. It is necessary to separate philosophy and philosophical sciences. For philosophical sciences, the object of study is philosophical and scientific texts. The history of philosophy studies and compares the texts of philosophers, philosophy of science – texts of scientists. You can call it “philosophical studies” and science studies. Philosophical sciences are secondary in this respect. Primary philosophy (Plato, Descartes, Schopenhauer, Spencer, Kierkegaard, Berdyaev, etc.) is mostly a genre of literature, and is not a science. There is also social philosophy, but it is rather an interdisciplinary field. The real philosophy of society, i.e. philosophizing about what society should be like is not a science (it is also literature), and academic degrees are not awarded for it.

  2. Philosophy is a science because its goal is truth and reliable knowledge. But its methodology differs from the methodology of the private sciences, where the prerequisites are always clear, starting with a specific subject area for each science, whereas in philosophy the prerequisites can be designated differently in different schools: we study the world of things, or the properties of consciousness,or the influence of language, or the way things exist and ourselves-different philosophical schools distinguish different areas of study and

  3. Philosophy is not only a SCIENCE, but it is the SCIENCE OF ALL SCIENCES.

    The subject of philosophy is the whole material, naturally developing world in which we live and of which we are a part.

    The subject of certain specific sciences are separate fragments and aspects of this material world.

    Philosophy generalizes at a logically higher structural level the scientific data of specific sciences obtained experimentally and analytically and gradually throughout the history of human thinking creates a theoretical picture of the world order that allows humanity as a species and as a form of matter to develop and systematically expand the spatial boundaries and qualitative diversity of forms of its existence.

    Philosophy is the science of development.

    Who is trying to declare philosophy NOT a science?

    Who is interested in blocking the development of the very idea of strategic development and declaring various functional changes and movements in the horizontal plane to be the true essence of human life?

  4. If you consider that we live in a false world where everything comes down to politics and commerce, then the word science is worth no more than religion or esotericism. And these are three complementary pillars of social self-deception. And who and how builds phrases does not matter at all. This is always a kind of blabla to cover up their interests and benefits.

  5. Actually, the most interesting fact is that science is based on the statement that there is an observable world of objects and an observer . Although this is not provable, since the world can only be confirmed when someone is looking at it , and if no one is looking at it , then it is impossible to prove its reality .

  6. Philosophy does not contain scientific research. It is a collection of views. If the history is based on archeology and paleology or paleontology, as well as philology and chemistry, or other sciences related to the study of the past world, for example, the study of deposits of ancient ice. Whereas philosophy relies only on the” dreams ” of historical figures and their attempts to turn these dreams into reality. However, research with conclusions and assessments is a scientific work, because they are made precisely on the basis of historical facts, as well as psychology, psychology and physiology, comparative analysis, dialectics. That is, they are already relying on science! Philosophy-there are Dreams associated with the search for creating a just society. To some extent, this can be called Fantasy, but it is more creative than scientific. Remember, “… everything you see is just your imagination” – a complete lack of knowledge of human physiology.

  7. PHILOSOPHY is one of the most important sciences (according to its idea/project, but not according to the practical fact),

    which helps all sciences to deepen and improve their foundations and establish interdisciplinary connections, forms people's scientific worldview, but does it very unproductively.

    EXAMPLE-the famous mathematician Bertrand Russell wrote the work “Mathematical Philosophy”, which is considered a very major contribution to mathematics and philosophy.

    The criticism of philosophy for very low productivity has very good reasons.

  8. To understand the phenomenon, it is necessary to delve into the history of the term science and determine what science is, since the definition of this term in Western culture has changed over time.

    Since ancient Greece, science has been considered any human activity aimed at developing and systematizing knowledge. There are only two ways to develop them: practical and theoretical. And in this sense, philosophy, that is, a theoretical way of developing new knowledge about everything, is still a science. Over time, knowledge accumulated and certain rules of work were required to develop and systematize this knowledge. The divergence of specifically applied knowledge, such as mathematics, physics, astronomy, etc., and purely theoretical knowledge about the world, gods, people, and ideas began. But a clear division into specifically practical and theoretical knowledge before the beginning of Modern Times was actually not due to the great influence of religion and its dogmas.

    The term science began to acquire a new meaning in the 16th century, when the dogmas of the Church began to be questioned. The Reformation launched both new religious ideas and new applied ones, opening up opportunities for improving knowledge. At this time, science is no longer just the development and systematization of knowledge. In order to consider something scientific, it is necessary that this knowledge be objective and justified. Thus, the meaning of the term science has acquired a new meaning: any human activity aimed at developing and systematizing objective and well-founded knowledge. Therefore, the concept of philosophy with its” eternal questions ” began to be replaced from the concept of science. However, this process has not yet been completed.

    Thus, the term philosophy can be understood in several meanings. If we take the old meaning of the term science, then philosophy remains a science that studies everything. If we take the new meaning of the term science, then philosophy, as a science, is engaged in the development and systematization of ideas as such. And if we consider philosophy as a reflection on “eternal questions”, then it is not a science.

    So if we consider philosophy as a science that deals with the development and systematization of ideas as such, then the presence of scientific degrees in philosophy is not surprising. It all depends on the definition of the term and its use.

  9. In some Western countries, the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and countries such as Kazakhstan and Ukraine is an academic degree equal to the Doctor of science. In the United States and Canada, this is an academic degree equal to a Candidate of Science. The name is traditional as it appeared in the 12th-13th century. The number of faculties at that time was quite limited and one of them was the Faculty of Philosophy, from which it comes.

  10. Philosophy is the foundation of all sciences.Well, a person can not seriously engage in science and meticulously get to the bottom of things (phenomena), without the love of wisdom. . .

    The Ministry of Education needs to introduce the study of the basics of philosophy in the school curriculum for 10-year-olds! This will lay the foundation for a serious approach to all their actions in the future. The only question is who will support this realization. Really, those who for 9 months did not cope with a pandemic? They are so involved in the problem that they have not even decided on the mode of wearing masks, or maybe half-masks, or maybe a helmet-masks ? And what the respected ones have in mind are called respiratory bandages . Even this is reflected in the philosophical training not laid down from childhood.

  11. Philosophy used to be the science of all sciences, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc. “Love of wisdom”. Later, the natural sciences were separated, and a little later-and all the others. There is only one “wisdom” left, i.e.-nothing.

    Philosophy in the modern sense is not a science, because its axiomatics are based on religious beliefs:”I believe.” And this “I believe” can not be “felt” and can only be accepted as a religion. Like all pseudoscience, philosophy is now a tool in the hands of the ruling class.

    The main task of the current “philosophers” is to explain that everything is quite good, and it will be even better. Other information is not accepted. And that's why philosophy exists, that's why there are titles and degrees, and departments of philosophy.:)

    Russian graduated and settled philosophers are the augurs of our days. Do you remember: “when two augurs meet, they can't look at each other without laughing.”

  12. Because this is not a science, but a worldview.

    It's like asking: “Why are upbringing and education not sciences, but there are also educators and teachers?”

  13. it seems to me that science is something that can be called something proven, more accurate, and philosophy is the opinion of everyone, that is, each person has his own idea about something.

  14. Philosophy is the forerunner of science – if philosophers stop thinking, then science will have nothing to prove….

    Today, it is necessary to develop new standards in the phenomenon of <science> itself, in order to synthesize and hierarchize all the data of science, and also pay special attention to the POSITION of the OBSERVER of the scientist. If his bio-field is not able to cover and contain the volume of phenomena that he explores, then it is unlikely that the content of his theory or concept can be applied in real life.

    One of the results of the materialization of ideas is today's “Russian Space Forces” , and it all started with the philosopher of the Russian cosmologist N. F. Fedorov, then passed into the scientific research of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, the inventor of the founder of cosmonautics, and ended with the engineering project of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, a Soviet scientist, designer of rocket and space systems.

    Such a synthesis of philosophy and science later gave birth to the practical Philosophy of Synthesis (2000), which, supporting the Ideas of Russian Cosmism, went even further, giving scientists a completely new Observer Position, thanks to which our Russian scientists have now written new scientific paradigms: the Paradigm of Science of the Initially Superior Father, the Paradigm of Man, the Paradigm of Matter, the Paradigm of Metagalaxy, the Paradigm of Philosophy. With these works, we have entered a completely new era.

  15. If we consider what the word philosophy means, we will get this answer: it means the love of wisdom. Can wisdom be a science? Of course not, and it is impossible to call it a science. No canons or rules can be applied to wisdom. It can only be recognized!!! Enlightenment is the foundation of the foundations, the most important category of Eastern philosophy. Enlightenment can be understood and interpreted by different scientists in different ways, but the essence, the deep meaning is always the same-the transition to a qualitatively new level of perception of the world, the expansion of the boundaries of personality, consciousness.

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