3 Answers

  1. Actually, the term enlightenment came to the Russian language, as well as to English and German from French (siècle des lumières) and mainly refers to the philosophical trend of the XVIII century. But this is not the name of a philosophical school, but a certain direction of philosophical thought. Enlightenment philosophy was based on a critique of traditional institutions, customs, and morals that existed at that time. For the first time in history, the question of the practical use of scientific achievements in the interests of social development was raised. Scientists of a new type sought to spread knowledge, to enlighten all classes and strata of society. For this purpose, the encyclopedias of Diderot, Chambers, and Zedler are published.

  2. Scientific discoveries, the development of science and the expansion of human knowledge-it was in this century that all this became widespread and people finally realized the importance of it.

  3. Firstly, many scientific discoveries that had a great impact on the development of science were made in the 18th century; secondly, scientists in the main mass began to deal more with scientific issues, rather than religious ones; thirdly, scientific knowledge went beyond a narrow circle of people and became available to a wider circle of people in one way or another.

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