3 Answers

  1. In my very important opinion, the differences between the thinking of different genders can be called colossal and at the same time insignificant. �The first obvious difference is the structure of the body, say “mother �instinct” will affect more on the addiction, the focus of thinking than �development, just like everything that is connected with sexual �attraction, if you want love, while physical strength is �us more interesting because of its use as a means to prove that he �who is stronger is right, during the world empires do not have �the Constitution and spoken language. The time in varying degrees rooted �Patriarchal mindset of society, as well as the mental ability to �really the same, and in this situation the woman is likely �had to adapt to a more complex set of circumstances, she �natural needs and appears to be more adapted, because she �had to achieve social needs than from the use of force �way. For some time, this system of values changed while giving “all the same shades of patriarchy, today a vivid example of this can be considered a patronymic, which is transmitted from the father.�

    What are the differences between the mental abilities of hereditary “tyrants” and”hypocrites”?

    I think it's the same as between hard men and weak ladies.

  2. No, there are no significant differences in the thinking of men and women that would be due to biological reasons.�

    First, there are no significant anatomical or functional differences between the brains of men and women, moreover, according to recent research, it is not even possible to talk about a “male” or “female” brain, since there is no strictly specific organization of the central nervous system associated with gender. Each person's brain is a mosaic of traits shared by men, women, and both sexes equally. �

    Scientists have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to talk about a specifically ” male “or specifically” female ” brain

    Excerpt from the article: “In the end, neurophysiologists came to the following conclusion: there are differences in the anatomical and morphological structure of the brain of women and men, but there are no decisive signs or combinations of them that allow us to speak about a specifically “male” or specifically “female” brain. Even if we build all the features of the nervous system into a single continuum, where there are women at one pole and men at the other, we will not find a significant shift of certain characteristics towards one of the poles. In other words, there are features of the brain that are more common among women, and there are – more often observed in men, but both of them can manifest themselves in the opposite sex. At the same time, there are practically no stable ensembles of such features at all.”

    Second, a lot of research and experiments indicate the socio-cultural basis of” differences ” in thinking between men and women.�
    The most striking example in this regard: subjects need to indicate which of the several proposed figures in the figure corresponds to the sample shown from a different angle. When this test is offered to students as a “sample selection material for future aircraft designers”, men do it much better than women. If the same task is presented as a “career guidance test for fashion designers, tailors, and interior decor specialists” – the gender gap is narrowed.�

    Well, a few more studies on the topic:

    In 1990, Janet Shibley Hyde, PhD, a psychologist at the University of Wisconsin, and her colleagues published a groundbreaking meta-analysis. It brought together data from 100 mathematical aptitude studies conducted between 1967 and 1987, with a combined total of 3 million subjects. As a result, the researchers did not find any obvious differences between the mathematical abilities of boys and girls. Girls did slightly better at computing in elementary and middle school. In high school, boys had a slight advantage in the ability to solve analytical problems (problem solving). This is probably due to the fact that they were more likely to choose science classes that focused on developing such skills. However, in general, boys and girls were equally well versed in mathematical concepts, and the gender gap narrowed over the years. This refuted the assumptions about the immutability of the gap and the biological factor.

    With regard to verbal ability, Hyde and co-authors concluded in 1988 that data from 165 studies show that the average advantage of women is so small that it can be considered insignificant, despite previous claims that girls allegedly have better speech skills. Moreover, the authors found no evidence of gender differences in any particular aspect of speech processing.

    In a 2005 report, Hyde reviewed 46 meta-analyses on gender differences. These studies examined not only cognitive abilities, but also communication style, social and personal parameters, motor activity, and ethical attitudes. In half of the studies, sex differences were insignificant, and in another third, they were completely absent.

    Also in 2005, Elizabeth Spoelke, PhD, a psychologist at Harvard, and her colleagues analyzed 111 studies and concluded that if there are gender differences in mathematical and scientific abilities, they should be based on genetic features of cognitive systems that would have been manifested in early childhood. However, research indicates that men and women generally have the same aptitude for math and science. In fact, six-month-old infants, regardless of gender, performed equally well on tasks that assessed their mathematical potential (underlie mathematics abilities).

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