10 Answers

  1. The inevitability of death? This is not the most interesting thought about death that can visit. I once very well understood and felt something else – death is near and can come right now, or maybe tomorrow. But maybe in another year. And the second thought – a person is measured not 100 years, but about as long as his parent lived (daughter-mother, son-father). In Russia, this is usually 60-70 years. So death is just around the corner.

  2. seriously, only after the 2nd heart surgery. at 14.

    All the seriousness and inevitability can be appreciated and thought about only when it comes close, so close that it breathes in the back of your neck. Many people say that they realize this at the death of their loved ones, this is even more nonsense than introspection.

    The thing is, your brain won't take it seriously just because you've thought about it. You need conditions that will break your familiar world.

    You can only think seriously when you have something to lose. And the loss of this will frighten you more than life without it. Only then can you reevaluate your life in terms of the inevitability of death. And look for the consequences of this in the form of spirituality, rebirth, atheism, skepticism, etc. Anyone who says otherwise is just pretending.

  3. It is impossible not to think about death, because here and there something reminds.

    But if you choose the most thoughtful and meaningful case-then at the age of 8, when I was drowning in the sea. I saw a lot right there under the water.

    Then there were many other situations, but I didn't care anymore.

  4. At the age of 13, being brought up in the best traditions of Orthodoxy from childhood, I first thought that maybe religion is wrong and after death we are waiting for something other than heaven/hell or nothing at all. For several evenings, I lay in agonizing thoughts about the meaning of being, the inevitability and inexplicability of the question of death. But then I just accepted that death was inevitable and necessary

  5. I thought about death from an early age, about four years old. I was sick and I was afraid that everything would end and there would be nothing more…

    Then it became somehow easier and thoughts of death receded.

  6. When I was 4, I was woken up early in the morning and told that my great-grandmother had died. I remember standing in the dorm bathroom and brushing my teeth to the sound of water hitting the iron sink, tears running down my cheeks.�

    After that day, before going to bed, lying in my bed, I cried and told my mother that I didn't want to die. I remember that I was terribly afraid and hurt to leave this world-beautiful, filled with love and joy. I was afraid I'd never see the people I loved again.

  7. I began to think seriously about death when I was 20 years old. The fear of death still haunts me. While I'm still alive, I try not to think or think about death. Scientists claim that a person (in the consciousness of what he sees with his own eyes) may find himself after death in the same state (the dark space of atoms) as before birth — this is how a person dies, his biological decomposition and disintegration into atoms occurs. This is similar to a dream state or loss of consciousness, only the person no longer wakes up.
    I bitterly regretted that humanity had never been able to invent the elixir of immortality.

  8. At 20, a few months ago, when she almost died. Now I feel a chilling fear when I think of death, because what I saw when I thought it was the end is the worst thing in the world.�

    And now I can't help thinking that I'm really going to die, and that's all. Will it just end, fade away? Isn't there going to be anything else? And then what's the point? But if eternal life is possible, then surely it is no better than death? And no answers…

  9. Seriously – only about 15 years old. The bitter feeling of my own limb haunts me to this day. Sometimes I even envy people who are able to “hide in the house” of collective self-deception from this feeling of powerlessness before death…

  10. When I was 5-6 years old, I heard something similar on TV – about coffins, funerals, and so on. I was hysterical, I screamed, sobbed :”I don't want to lie in a coffin!” My grandmother, laughing, explained that I would never be in a coffin.�

    For a while I considered myself immortal, until one day I realized that Tatars are simply not buried in a coffin:)

    The first death in the family happened when I was 8 – and before going to bed, I often replayed that after so many years all of us are gone, and the Earth continues to exist, and this inevitability, this universal feeling of emptiness after death was suffocating and terrifying.�

    Then I often tried to feel this feeling – a state when I was not in the world yet. And I decided that the same thing happens after death.

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