7 Answers

  1. Not only can, but also lives. The overwhelming majority of society is free from religious intoxication, and this only contributes to the progressive movement of humanity along the path of progress.

    The reactionary role of the Church in the development of science, culture, and enlightenment is quite obvious. With the exception of a brief period of the Middle Ages, when secular life only broke through with battles ( and with numerous victims-remember the auto-da fe) through the religious dope and the vacuum was filled with a more organized structure at that time.

    However, the” asceticism ” of the church in this direction cannot be taken as a desire to benefit humanity and give it an impulse to move towards progress. It was purely utilitarian in nature: architecture, painting, literature were designed to stun, bomb a person, suppress his rational thinking, and in the open field imprint their religious dogmas into his consciousness.

    It is amazing why believers do not want to understand such simple truths and easily succumb to the priest's verbiage.

    As the saying goes:”I don't need to be deceived, I'm happy to be deceived myself.”

  2. The most complete societies today are just without religion.

    Countries with the highest number of atheists fare better in all respects.

    So yes, you can

  3. The presence among people of a huge number of religions and their branches – sects-is the most important danger and problem for humanity. Their main task is to divide people into their own and others ' by different clothes, attributes of religious rites, prayers. Set up as many houses of worship as possible. Get as many people there as possible. Introduce them to your religion and then use them for your own purposes. For example, in the glory of God to send to kill representatives of other religions. All their terms are not provable. They look like fairy tales about miracles-dogmas. Either you believe in them or get out. In fact, those who believe in God rather than religious rites know that heaven and hell exist on earth in your life. If you live by certain simple laws such as do not kill, do not betray, do not change, etc., then your life will tend to paradise and if on the contrary you will live in hell. So God doesn't care how much money you take to the church. He evaluates you according to your deeds. Money can't buy its location. Everything is elementary simple.

    I think so. and you?

  4. As one intelligent and decent person correctly said, ” In order to be decent, I don't need any gods or any religions.”

    And indeed, a person should have a CONSCIENCE, a simple human conscience, which does not allow him to do vile and vile things, and not “fear or horror of God” before punishment or hypocritical and cynical begging for a “warm” place in the so-called “Kingdom of God”.

  5. Definitely not! Religion is one of the components of a person/society and can be called in different ways, for example, science, common sense, the creator's plan, or – etc., etc.

  6. I live here. And I feel fine. Not a monster, not a villain. In terms of morality, I would give many believers a head start (or in the gryzlo, which is most likely). As for the internal reference point and spiritual bonds-I will tell all those who are restless-read the primary sources, think. Connect with professionals. And then you will find your way. And religion is just a business. They only want your money, and they don't care about saving your soul.

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