4 Answers

  1. Since we have not agreed on the terms, the answer is solely due to my intuitive understanding of the background of the question.

    Very simply, the signal about a stimulus in your brain from the senses goes to the limbic system and the amygdala, which is responsible for emotions, then to the neocortex (the cerebral cortex, “mind”), and then again to the “emotional” zone.

    In practice, this means that an emotional reaction always precedes a rational, reasonable one. The only question is which one you demonstrate.�

    If you immediately react emotionally (without waiting for the neocortex to process the signal, in other words, “sculpt without thinking”), this is unreasonable emotional behavior.

    If, after noting the emotion that has arisen, you then conduct rational processing, and then, using conscious access to your emotional arsenal, choose the appropriate emotion to respond to – this is reasonable emotional behavior.

    That is, neighbor Shura and neighbor Masha can yell at their neighbor Klava. But Klava will yell at Shura in response, and there will be a scandal with a fight – because Shura's behavior is emotionally unreasonable. And she'll run away from Masha with her tail between her legs and never catch her eye again. Not because Masha shouted louder than Shura �or said a different text – just Masha accurately assessed the moment, situation and condition of Klava, calculated her potential reaction. This is intelligent emotional behavior.

  2. Of course, they can be and this is actually a sign of developed emotional intelligence.When emotions are adequate to the situation, they can be considered unintelligent.And adequacy depends on the perception and worldview of a person, as well as on his life experience.

  3. Man is the measure of things. It gives concepts formed from objects of the surrounding world an independent entity, subjectivity.

    By themselves, emotions and feelings are not subjects, but are represented in the human mind as such. And through this quality, identification with someone else, a person can “communicate” with feelings as with a reasonable someone.

  4. It all depends on what you mean by the reasonableness of a particular feeling. Still, “intelligence” and even feelings, a fairly large spectrum for the answer.�

    If by intelligence you mean a conscious or conscious reaction to the environment, then this is more than possible.

    If you mean correctly applied to the situation, then this is also possible for feelings and emotions.�

    If you mean that feelings and emotions can be endowed with their own mind, and possibly consciousness, then I would answer you more negatively than positively.

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