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Socionics studies the intra-typical relationships between people, how we perceive, process and give out information. Knowing it, we can always choose our environment. She can learn to understand herself, find a suitable job, and help you better understand other people's relationships and abilities.
By knowing the other person's TIM, we can learn what to expect from them, what to demand, what topics of conversation are best avoided, we can understand why the person did this, what motivated them, and so on.
Of course, after passing the test, reading the description, we will not be able to accurately determine our TIM, we need to understand this, consider functions, model A. Analyzing all this, we can get to know ourselves better, find explanations for some actions, etc. Having understood how Socionics works, we can use it competently, but as I wrote above, we need to understand this.
We must remember that you should not take socionics as a kind of categorical definition of a person in one of the Tims.
It is easier to understand it by observing people and their reactions. It takes time. It also takes time to become aware of certain traits in yourself. If you observe people for a long time and master the knowledge correctly, you will be able to notice some general trends in the representatives of the same team.
I wrote down what it studies and how it can help, and whether you believe it or not is up to you, but don't insult or mock the people who study it.
If you decide to study it, then good luck.
As far as I know, socionics does not have a scientific approach, unlike psychology (for the previous answer, the Sondi test does not apply to socionics, you can take it online, but the result will not give a hundred percent correct answer, such tests are conducted together with a psychologist and under his strict guidance), the only tests that I saw were related to determining either character or temperament and looked quite childish. All this division into Jacks of London, Gabens, and so on, and so on, does not apply to the clearly developed methods used in scientific psychology. If there is a desire to get a little closer to solving your own personality, it is better to take tests developed and tested by people who have devoted their entire lives to studying the psychology of personality and thinking. 16-factor Kettel questionnaire (there are several forms, I recommend taking Form C as the most recent and corrected), MMPI, SPQ, Eysenck test (there are personal and intelligence tests), test to determine the level of macchiavelism, M. Snyder self-monitoring scale… Lots of them! The main thing is to choose scientific and proven ones.
Take the test yourself and see for yourself. There won't be 100% matches, but something will still match. Socionics is a very interesting thing, it has been tested by experience, we passed the test by a large company. Sondi's test is just as good