5 Answers

  1. Logic in what sense exactly? Problem-solving skills, numeracy, and analytical thinking? Yes, to some extent. Crows, for example, are able to count almost to five, perform simple arithmetic operations, and understand that a square stone will not fit into a round hole.



    But if by logic we mean precisely classical formal logic, the rules for deducing some statements from others, so that false consequences cannot be deduced from correct premises, and so that we can generally talk about the truth/falsity of statements-no, even people do not all know this logic. Experiments with representatives of primitive tribes who are not capable of abstract reasoning and do not understand even simple syllogisms are widely known.

    M. Cole and S. Scribner, “Culture and Thinking”:

    The experimenter.

    One day the spider went to a festive dinner. But he was told that before he started eating, he had to answer one question. The question is: “The spider and the black deer always eat together. The spider eats. Does the deer eat?”

    The subject. Were they in the woods?

    Experimenter. Yes.

    The subject. Did they eat together?

    The experimenter. Spider and deer always eat together. The spider eats. Does the deer eat?

    The subject. But I wasn't there. How can I answer this question?

    The experimenter. Can't answer it? Even if you weren't there, you can answer this question. (Repeats the question.)

    The subject. Yes, yes, the black deer eats.

    The experimenter. Why you say that. what does the black deer eat?

    The subject. Because the black deer always walks through the forest all day and eats green leaves. Then he rests for a while and gets up again to eat.

    This is an obvious mistake. The subject does not have a general idea of the logical correctness of the conclusion. To give an answer, he tries to rely on some facts, and when the experimenter refuses to help him in the search for such facts, he invents them himself.

  2. This is again NOT a question of psychology. This time-about the intelligence of animals.

    In its most general form, logic is the ability to understand and build causal relationships. Animals certainly have this ability.

    I'll tell you more: they are intelligent because they are able to (a) solve recognition problems and (b) make decisions, i.e. make conscious choices.

  3. You can only ask this if you don't know what logic is:

    Logic(other-Greek.λογική — “the science of correct thinking”, “the ability to reason” from other Greek.λόγος — “reasoning”, “thought”, “reason”) is a branch of philosophy, a normative[1]science of forms, methods and laws of intellectual cognitive activity, formalized in logical language. Since this knowledge is acquired by the mind, logic is also defined as the science of the forms and laws of thought. Since thinking is formed in language in the form of reasoning, special cases of which are proof and proof.refutation, logic is sometimes defined as the science of ways to reason or the science of ways to prove and refute. Logic as a science studies methods of achieving truth in the process of cognition in an indirect way, not from sensory experience, but from knowledge obtained earlier, so it can also be defined as the science of ways to obtain inferred knowledge.

    One of the main tasks of logic is to determine how to come to a conclusion from the premises (correct reasoning) and get true knowledge about the subject of reflection in order to better understand the nuances of the subject of thought being studied and its relations with other aspects of the phenomenon under consideration.

    In any science, logic serves as one of the main tools

  4. IMHO. Logic is a way of processing incoming information. We can say that logic is the structure of consciousness. Accordingly, the level of logic is a certain correlate of the level of consciousness.�

    Buddhists believe, for example, that any being has consciousness if it has at least one sense organ. For example, an earthworm has the ability to differentiate the chemical composition of the soil and can build a strategy – in which direction to crawl, so that the available energy is enough to extract useful substances in an amount that will be sufficient to support creeping life.�

    Thus, the worm has a primitive level of consciousness and this level corresponds to its way of processing information, that is, its logic. At least the use of causal dependencies is part of its logic. It doesn't crawl anywhere, but only on the basis of processing incoming information – where it should be crawling.

    Well, since it crawls where it should, that is, in its logic and the ratio of order-more or less. Without this, all directions will be the same. Order relations are logic… etc.

  5. All living things, if they want to survive, must follow the laws of logic. As we have already written here, animals observe the law of causation, and can build simple logical chains (hunger-hunting-satiety).

    Another thing is that only a person has abstract thinking and is able to consciously identify the laws of logic, operate with concepts, etc.

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