7 Answers

  1. It's funny that none of the “experts” even mentioned the direct requirement of the law.

    Family Code of the Russian Federation:

    Article 87. Obligations of adult children to support their parents

    1. Able-bodied adult children are required to support and take care of their disabled parents who need help.

    2. In the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, alimony for disabled parents in need of assistance is collected from able-bodied adult children in court.

    3. The amount of alimony collected from each of the children is determined by the court based on the material and marital status of the parents and children and other interests of the parties that deserve attention in a fixed amount of money to be paid monthly.

    4. When determining the amount of alimony, the court has the right to take into account all able-bodied adult children of this parent, regardless of whether the claim is made to all children, to one of them or to several of them.

    5. Children may be released from the obligation to support their disabled parents who need assistance, if the court finds that the parents evaded the duties of parents.

    Children are exempt from paying alimony to parents who are deprived of their parental rights.

    Article 88. Participation of adult children in additional expenses for parents:

    1. In the absence of adult children caring for disabled parents and in the presence of exceptional circumstances (serious illness, injury of the parent, the need to pay for outside care for him, etc.), adult children may be brought by the court to participate in bearing additional costs caused by these circumstances.

    2. The procedure for incurring additional expenses by each adult child and the amount of these expenses are determined by the court, taking into account the material and family status of parents and children and other interests of the parties that deserve attention, while observing the provisions of paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of Article 87 of this Code.

    3. The procedure for incurring additional expenses and the amount of these expenses may be determined by agreement of the parties.

    GARANT system: base.garant.ru

  2. Certainly. Your parents could easily send you to an orphanage, where you would be beaten and raped, your parents could easily beat and rape you, your parents could not raise you, not give you an education, not buy toys and sweets, not empathize with your life events.

    Of course, if you think that it is very good that you managed to avoid such a childhood, you should be grateful to your parents.

  3. A very controversial issue, especially in our time when everyone likes to discuss, I personally believe that there is no such thing as “should“between native people. The family is an integral unit of society, at least it should be, and everything here is based on mutual assistance, mutual support, everyone does what they can while the child is small-the parents work, and the child helps, and this can be cleaning, washing, ironing, cooking, etc. etc. When the child grows up, it can be material support. Yes, you are not forced by law or other legal regulators to repay your parents for raising, educating and dressing you. But if they brought you up correctly, and you love your parents, then you will treat them as they once did to you and will try in every possible way to help them at least in some way.

  4. you can judge from two sides: “no is not required” and “yes is required
    1. let's start with the one with “no don't have to”:
    If you have children, then you should have been ready to clean, cook, dress, feed, etc. so to speak, you created something that you should just be proud of.
    2. now the side in which� ” yes!”:
    Of course yes you put your soul into the children you fed them,clothed them, loved them, brought them up you gave them everything they wanted so that they would bring you water and bread in their old age or bring money to the house or at least take care of you.
    Which option to choose is up to you and only you!!

  5. I think this way: if a child doesn't want to help you, then you brought him up badly. And if you didn't bring him up well, he doesn't owe you anything — and in some cases, the parent does. A couple of million rubles for moral damage.

  6. I think we should. You must not give up in your old age, provide assistance, and do not forget about the people who taught you to walk and write. This is normal and human.

  7. A child is a guest in your home: feed, learn, and let go. No, children don't have to do anything. It was your decision to have a baby, not his. Do everything you can to raise a decent person and let them go to live a happy life.

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