9 Answers

  1. They go. Our scientific library is visited by museum guests. We have a reading room with books on the theory and history of art of the 20th and 21st centuries. This is understandable, because we have Mosk. sovrem Museum. the arts. )) They come to us just to look through the catalogs, work in a comfortable environment, as well as with specific questions. They ask for different literature. Photography, design, architecture, and modern art are especially popular. researches. People are increasingly asking for performance art and science art. Not everyone is comfortable viewing online products. Someone comes for a book. Art magazines ask too. Foreign ones are more common. ))

  2. I never understood the meaning of libraries). But the last renovation in my apartment has created a serious shortage of shelves and cabinets)). There is simply nowhere to put books, and buying them at one time is quite wasteful. Now the whole family takes books to the district library – it turns out to be very convenient)).�

    PS Yes, we love hard copy.

  3. Libraries in some countries, where architecture is one step ahead in terms of rethinking design and purpose, have become something like public spaces where people can just come alone or in a group and drink coffee and maybe even look through a book at the same time. Moreover, modern libraries are not limited to countless shelves of books, these are various interactive activities, lectures and other activities. A prime example is the Public Library in Seattle / USA or the Library De Krook in Ghent / Belgium (which came to mind first). These places just want to visit, because they attract. So the traffic is growing. I think it's cool!

  4. I personally am 16 years old and yes, I regularly visit the library, because there I can find a lot of interesting books that I don't have at home, and absolutely free of charge, find something new that I haven't read before.

    Bibla, as I said, saves a lot of money, for example, I recently wanted to buy a book for$ 14 (at Russian prices all 20), but I asked around in the city's bibls and found the right one.�

    Now in our city, libraries are being massively updated and the shelves are no longer bored with the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Lenin and Taras Grigoryevich for decency, but a lot of science fiction, popular science publications (NiT+…), re-published books, etc.works.�

    By comparison, the modest bibla next to my house has an area completely filled with books up to 240 square meters. m, there is Wi-Fi, computers, printing, so personally in our city I often see many of my peers creating queues and sometimes taking the most interesting books, I'm not talking about a lot of pensioners, students, children 12-16 years old and category 25+.

    So libraries (at least in our country) are now very, very popular and I have a skeptical smile when I talk about their “imminent death”.

  5. Next to my house there is a library, which I loved to go to as a child. So, according to my observations, people still go to the library, but mostly during the school year and mostly schoolchildren. Just today, passing by this library, I saw 2 schoolgirls coming out of it. I myself last visited this library and the university library last year, when I needed literature for my master's thesis, which was not available on the Internet. So they do, and probably will continue to do, for a long time. libraries do not lag behind in development and also use modern technologies, literature and a video library in electronic form, etc.

  6. I recently got a copy of The Divine Comedy from the library,and the last issue was issued in 1996.

    At the same time, the librarian gave out the book reluctantly ,saying that now, due to the beginning of the school year, schoolchildren will start sorting them out, as a result, she agreed to give the book only for 14 days.

    Before that (in another library) I took Pushkin,Lermontov-the beginning of the 2000s.

    I've never seen any fresh marks.

    Although I was pleasantly surprised to see a selection of some libraries – there are a lot of new books in different languages.

  7. People go to libraries! Students are a separate topic, they go, of course, children read books on the school curriculum, and pensioners go. Then, I know, because I participate in many things myself: libraries have now changed their way of working: not only in terms of computer technology, but also in terms of working at other sites: schools, cultural centers, etc.The work of Literary and poetic living rooms is widely practiced, including for non – professionals.poets, themed evenings for children and adults, author's evenings: poetry and meetings with interesting people, etc. – the scope is wide for topics!

  8. I teach my children to go to the library – I think that it is more useful for them to read printed books, rather than digital versions ( both for vision and in order to sit less on gadgets). So there are not many people in the library, mostly children – and then many come there because there was free Wi-Fi – librarians need to survive somehow, so they come up with such a move.

  9. Of course, there are computers there, you can sit on VKontakte or play tanchiki if you are not at home 🙂
    And it is also interesting in modern libraries, I have interesting events in my city there, such as gatherings of animeshnikov, Minecraft players and just a readers ' club . There are also audiobooks, comics, and even manga. The room itself is cozy and updated, so you want to sit in such a library and read 🙂

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