9 Answers

  1. The answer to this question is complicated. Therefore, it is difficult to define “common sense”.

    Common sense refers to such judgments that are obvious to ALL people. Or most people.

    If we consider that today there are five thousand beliefs on the planet, of which even the most numerous can be typed with a dozen, then there is no need to talk about any” common sense ” in this sense.

    It turns out that each religion has its own “common sense”, which is a contradiction to the concept itself.

    Ergo-there is no” common sense ” for religions.

  2. Religions have many such meanings, directions and purposes. Religion deals with issues that no one else covers. From global: “How did the world come into being, and most importantly-why?”, to private: “Why am I in the world? What am I supposed to do here?”�

    If we begin to approach the more practical application of religion, it has always ensured the stabilization of society. That is, in the early stages of human existence, it was religion that successfully replaced the judicial system (suddenly, right?). Anthropologist Rene Girard developed a massive concept of using the institution of sacrifice to stop circular violence in societies with blood feuds (and all primitive societies were such).�

    A little later, religion began to be actively used as an ideology (because the most pure ideology did not yet exist). It is also a banal practical application of religion. And, no matter how now people do not relate to the very term “Ideology”, and to the very idea of managing the masses of people, but at that time it was useful.�

    Finally, we can say that religion concerns those areas of human life that are currently not explained by anything else. That is, all the Gnostic experience, belief in the supernatural, and so on. Religion provides an answer to questions that modern science has not yet addressed: “What will happen after death?”, and the following: “What to do to make it good after death?”.�

    In general, this message can go on and on. Religion is such a flexible thing that with its help, motivated by it, you can both start charitable foundations to save kittens, and explode in the subway.

  3. The sciences, arts, and religions all have the same goal-to streamline human life. They achieve this goal by showing through things that are visible to a person, things that are not visible to him.

  4. Religion is an ancient scientific and educational institution on the basis of which the political and social strategy of the life of our ancestors was modeled.

    The use of love as a method of influence is a normal phenomenon, judging by the research of modern psychologists who claim that influence can only be achieved through fear and love. Protestants put on hypnotic shows and put people in a trance, and then ungodly use for Misian and political purposes.

    Religions are organizations – the P-league, where the letter P is the basis of social linguistic creativity. There was previously such a game in creating and indexing terrain. Iraq, Iran, and Ireland are areas with indigenous populations. Where the syllable is UR (burg), there were once cultural and educational centers under the influence of religious communities. AR is a sign of the aristocratic owners of land ARS.

    But in general, religion and politics are the same thing-brain power through influence and education. The Vatican is small, but the influence is huge.

  5. Naturally there is. The beginning of any religion is a certain picture of the world in which adherents of this religion are sure. Then comes pure logic and pure common sense. A system of values, aspirations to them, behavior based on this worldview.

    Example of Faith (subject definition): a) the need for covid-19 vaccinations b) the harm of covid – 19 vaccinations.

    Religion (common sense based on your specific subject): a) get vaccinated b) don't get vaccinated and fight against the “world conspiracy” on the Internet.

  6. Let's start with the definition-what is RELIGION!?

    The word is a compound of two parts “LIGO” – to connect, connect and “RE” – again, repeatedly. In particular, we are talking about restoring the lost connection of man with God … inHis wisdom.

    It's about meaning.

    As for common sense, it is a question of returning a person to the abode of eternal Life … abodes of Love.

    By the Truth of Life … eternal: “…you must be born again … from water and the Spirit …”!

  7. Well, first of all, these are common moral principles that have been established for centuries. “Do not kill”, “do not steal”, etc. this encourages a person to live as a spiritual being, educates morality, common sense. Also, in religion there are answers to eternal questions: how did the world come about? Who are we? From where? What's the point?

    Even representatives of such a teaching in philosophy as skepticism believed that in unsolvable issues, a person simply needs a myth as a stable statement, support, otherwise, you can simply get lost.

    Well, religion unites people, these are moral foundations, common ideas, and so on.

  8. I can only speak for Christianity.
    Common sense, i.e. a healthy mind, consists in an unmistakable distinction between truth and falsehood.
    Pay serious, careful attention to this.

    To check any statements, whether false or true, you need a standard – “correct scales”.
    For example, a person tells you that a certain statement has such and such weight, how to check whether he is telling the truth? We need reference weights, not fake ones.
    What should I take as a standard?
    For any Christian, the Bible is the standard. Let's check if her kettlebells are correct?
    Don't kill me.
    Don't steal it.
    Read your parents.
    Learn to do good, save the widow, stand up for the orphan.
    Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you.
    Do you think it's worth listening to these words, or are they not the right weights?
    Is there any common sense in all these words?

    Of course, you can pretend that you are fulfilling these words, but this is no longer a claim to the meaning of the words, but to the honesty of people.

  9. You don't ask because you want to hear a lie? Do you want to know the truth? This is the thirst for God, because God is the Truth. And the religion that declares that God is the truth is the true one. Truth is the essence. He who is true is also sane. Everything has its essence.

    The crown of evolution is not man, but a Higher Intelligence that has learned the essence of everything. Those who know the essence of everything can not be mistaken and their influence is not noticeable. It is absolutely harmonious with the universe. Time is not uniform. Where it is faster, Higher Intelligence has already emerged.

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