7 Answers

  1. Religions do not produce anything – they are just a psychological mechanism for protecting a person in a world where he is deprived of the possibility of total control over events, is subject to accidents and is mortal.�

    Morality, hypocrisy, immorality and other charms are produced by people. Some of these people are religious ministers. What they produce does not characterize their religion, but their personality.

  2. In short, we can say that the moral sense of people creates religions, and not religious teachings teach people morality. Religions are fixations of the ultimate level of morality understood by people at the time of their emergence. The Sermon on the Mount was formulated more than 2,000 years ago, and we haven't even learned it yet, and we still break the Old Testament commandments of Moses. Religions are primarily a Word, but words are very insidious things, they can be misinterpreted and do not determine our behavior at all, we are free to follow or pretend to follow the Word, or just keep it in mind and act completely the opposite. Religion and religious behavior are conditionally related concepts.

  3. Probably the second one.Preaching modesty, he calmly watches as a stream of immorality flows from the screens.

    I will never believe that those in power who pray on camera believe in anything. Including Patriarch Kirill.

    Cities and villages were flooded with temples, but medical centers in villages were destroyed.

    There are many examples of such immorality.

  4. One of the main functions of religion is to maintain the norms of relationships (social morality) in a given society. That is, religions do not produce morality themselves-they support what a given society has already developed.

    A separate issue is that human societies are evolving quite rapidly, and this evolution, in particular, leads to a change in the norms accepted in society. Religions are more conservative and because of this, sooner or later they come into conflict with the new norms of behavior in society. As a result, society either modifies religion (see, for example, the emergence of Protestantism or the Nikon reform), or refuses it altogether (today's Europe).

  5. Is mathematics an exact science? No, the further into the forest, the more abstract. But mathematics is based on axioms and theorems. However, it allows you to model the surrounding reality very accurately. Moreover, mathematics is the basis of other sciences – physics and chemistry, and even biology. Religion and faith are mathematics in a different layer of life. More successful and consistent students are holy people – moral, moral, and not hypocritical.

  6. Jesus gave us a criterion that will help us evaluate religions objectively. He said, ” Every tree is known by its fruit.” (Luke 6: 44). For example, when evaluating a religion, think about what fruits it brings? Do its leaders attach too much importance to money? Do its members act in accordance with the biblical principles of morality and participation in wars?�

    Is there a religion that you can trust?�

    Belonging to a particular religion, a person entrusts his spiritual life and hope of salvation to it. And would it be wise to check whether this religion can be trusted?

  7. I think that in the world almost everything has two sides and it is difficult to say which side is dominant: take the same money-try to determine that it has brought more benefit or harm to humanity? Or making dynamite, nuclear power, the Internet, etc. The whole point here is that a person is capable of abusing everything in general, so it's all about the person. Some people are saved from evil by religion, while others hide their evil behind it. Both have a place to be. If we take Christianity specifically, for example, it teaches that under the banner of Christ, both the Truth and grace of God, light and wisdom, and hypocrisy, fanaticism, strife, hostility, wars, manipulation, both Christ and the antichrist come to the world with all the consequences. Sometimes, at times, during the revival of faith in Christianity, there was more appearance of Christ, sometimes, during periods of degradation, more evil and error were revealed. However, there is no escape from this, and it was allowed from the beginning – no one has ever canceled a person's choice and will not cancel it:

    24 Another parable he set before them, saying, ” The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field.
    25 But while the men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went away.
    26 When the green sprang up and the fruit appeared, the tares also appeared.
    27 And when the servants of the master of the house came, they said unto him, Lord! did you not sow good seed in your field? where did the tares come from?
    28 But he said to them, ” The enemy of man has done this. But the servants said to him, ” Do you want us to go and pick them out?”
    29 But he said, “No, so that when you gather up the tares, you do not pull up the wheat with them
    ; 30 Let both grow together until the harvest; and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers,' Gather up the tares first, and bind them in bundles to burn them, and gather the wheat into my barn.'
    (Matthew 13: 24-30)

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